33| Klaus Mikaelson

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You had been told about Klaus and his art skills. You have always wanted to see his work but he would never show you. He refused. You had arguments about it often. The fact that Klaus wouldn't let you see his art hurt you. You knew he let Coraline see it when he fancied her. Eventually, you had given up with asking him. He would show you when he wanted to.

"Hey Y/N, I need to show you something," Rebekah said as she came into the library. You and Elijah both looked up at the overly excited blonde. A wide grin spread across her face. You glanced at Elijah but he only shrugged. You shut the book in your lap and placed it on the side table before following Rebekah.

She led you down a hallway. One that you never really went down. Klaus didn't want you too so you didn't. She stopped in front of a door. She pushed it open and shoved you inside. Once you straightened yourself out, you looked around. Drawings and paintings were everywhere. It was beautiful.

You stopped in front of a painting. It was of a sunset. A girl standing on a hill. You recognized the place. Klaus had taken you there. It was a giant meadow with elegant flowers and it had the prettiest sunset. Arms wrapped around your waist and a kiss was placed against the back of your neck.

"Hello darling," Klaus whispered to you. You smiled wide. The happiness you felt right now couldn't be described.

"It's beautiful. It's all beautiful. You're beautiful." You said and turned in his arms. He chuckled at your words and placed his forehead against yours. Nothing was said for a moment before Klaus spoke again.

"You're just as beautiful." He stated and cupped your face with his hand, placing his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss and so did he. This was perfect.

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