2| Elijah Mikaelson

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Elijah had to leave with Klaus. They had been gone for a couple of days and he was coming home later today. You decided to give him a little treat. You scanned through his closet until you had found an old dress shirt that was in the back of the closet.

You threw off your tank top and slipped on the shirt. You left the top two buttons undone so your white lace bra showed. You had on matching underwear. You grabbed a tie and hung it loosely around your neck. Next, you pulled out your braided hair so it was messy but wavy.

You smiled at your appearance. You looked hot and you knew Elijah would appreciate it. Your phone went off signaling a message. You practically jumped for it.

Almost home love.

It was from Elijah. You smiled but didn't answer. You heard him begin up the steps from the porch so you rushed to the top of the stairs. The door opened and Elijah stepped in.

"Y/N." He called out and looked upstairs and as soon as he laid eyes on you he was in front of you. You giggled at him and he grabbed your hips.

"Surprise." You whispered in his ear. He chuckled lightly and sped you into the room. You were thrown onto the bed. Elijah hovered over you. He grabbed the tie around your neck and pulled up connecting your lips together.

You didn't bother to fight for dominance. His tongue explored your mouth and your hand gripped his hair. He trailed kisses down your jaw instantly traveling to your neck and sucking on your soft spot. A soft moan escaped and you could feel him smirk against your neck.

You began to grind your hips into his and he let out a growl. He ripped open the shirt and the buttons popped off and flew everywhere. His hands roamed everywhere.

"Don't tease love." He said huskily. He pulled off his jacket and you began to undo the buttons on his dress shirt. He pulled off the tie. He was finally shirtless and you ran your hand down his chest to the waist of his pants and played with the band. His breathing began to speed up at your teasing. So he pinned your arms above your head and took control.

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