43| Alaric

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Just a warning, these next view imagines are based on the scenario but with different people and it's based on how they would react. This will be the next way the next several imagines will be. I have several short ones so I'll post these in between making my bigger imagines.

You had just gotten out of the shower and you were about to get dressed. You dropped your towel to the floor and picked up your bra but before you could put it on, the door to your room opened. You squealed and tried to cover yourself.

"I've seen all of you. Why are y-" Alaric started but you cut him off.

"Turn around." You shouted and he furrowed his eyebrows at you.

"We've been dating for a-" He started but you cut him off again.

"Turn. Around." You said strictly. He obliged and turned his back to you but chuckled to himself as you quickly got dressed behind him.

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