31| Matt Donovan

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You and Matt had been wanting to escape this vampire drama. It was frustrating being the only humans in a giant group of supernatural beings. So a day to yourselves was a rare occasion but today was one of those days. Matt was picking you up soon.

A knock filled the quiet room and you shut off the tv and jumped up from the couch. You grabbed your phone and slid it into your back pocket before pulling open the door. Matt smiled as soon as he saw you. You returned it.

"Ready for ice cream?" He asked and you instantly nodded. You sat in the passenger seat after he opened the door for you. He was always so nice despite how much he deals with. It amazes you.

The drive to get ice cream was full of laughter and singing, more like yelling, song lyrics. This day was already off to a great start and it had barely started. He pulled into the parking lot and you both hopped out of his truck.

You ran like children to the small window of the ice cream parlor. The lady working greeted you with a kind smile. Matt hadn't decided exactly what he wanted but you knew before you even got here.

"Chocolate ice cream cone, two scoops please. Matt?" You said. Matt looked at you and then the lady.

"Same thing. Thank you." He said. You went to grab money from your pocket but Matt stopped you and handed the lady his money. You gave a small smile.

You both waited patiently for your ice cream. The lady came back to the small window with two cones and held them out to both of you. Both you and Matt said a small thank you. You made your way over to one of the small tables and began to eat your ice cream. Nothing was said till you broke the silence.

"This is really nice. We need to do it more often." You said and Matt nodded in agreement.

"Definitely." He said and took a giant lick of his ice cream. You took a bite and he cringed, causing you to laugh and him to laugh along with you.

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