53| Klaus Mikaelson

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*Slight smut ahead*

Klaus had been busy all day and you were needy for attention. You had been trying all day but nothing was working. So when you finally got an idea you were quick to act. You placed the cd in the CD player and the music started out quietly until you stared screaming the words. You knew you would probably lose your voice but it was worth it.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Klaus said angrily as he entered the room. You kept singing loudly and ignored him. He huffed and stormed over to you and slammed his lips to yours. You squeaked in surprise but it did shut you up. He pulled away arubtly and you just stood there as a smirk creeped upon his face.

"Better?" He asked and you nodded, speechless.

"Good, now I'm going to get back to what I was doing before you interrupted." He spoke as he was already in the middle of walking away. You stood there, and sighed in defeat.

Begging for his attention, how ridiculous could you be? He rarely ever picks you over work. Blah blah blah, it's to keep you protected. So what? Then suddenly, you got a great idea.

You made your way to the room he was in. He sat, book in hand, looking for the answers to some issue that was going on. You could never really keep track of who was trying to kill him and his family this time.

You leaned against the doorframe, waiting for him to look up at you. It took a minute but eventually his eyes met yours. You have a soft smile that he returned.

"I know, darling. You will have my full attention as soon as I solve this." He said, a very sincere tone in his voice. He returned to reading quickly. As sweet as it was, you were going through with your plan.

With a small smirk, you began slowly taking your shirt off. As you pulled it over your head, his eyes were already on yours, before slowly falling down your body. He said nothing as you stepped farther into the room and closed the door behind you.

You discarded your shirt onto the floor as you approached the desk he sat at. His eyes followed your every move. His face cold but his eyes said differently. You walked behind him wrapping your arms around him in a warm embrace.

You placed your face into the crook of his neck, placing small, soft kisses. He took a deep breath but still tilted his to the side to give you slightly better access.

"You're playing a dangerous game here, love." He taunted. You giggled lightly as you ran one hand slowly down his chest, sitting right above the hem of his pants.

"You need to just relax, enjoy yourself. Enjoy me." You whispered into his ear. As you pulled back, he met your gaze. His face soft. He placed his hand upon your cheek and pulled you in for a passionate but soft kiss.

When he pulled away, he gave you another kiss lightly on your nose. He then, grabbed you and picked you up to sit you on his lap, a surprised squeal leaving your mouth, followed by laughter from both you and Klaus.

His hands sat on your lower back, yours wrapped around his neck to keep yourself a bit more stable. This time, his face was in the crook of your neck, kissing everywhere he could.

One hand left your back to swipe everything that was on the desk directly to the floor. He stood up, you still in his arms and laid you down on top of the desk. Your breathing began to speed up as his lips went from your neck, down to your chest.

His hands began to feel all around your body, just remembering every curve. It had truly been so long since you guys had done something like this and he knew. He knew exactly how to make sure you felt loved and appreciated. He kissed every possible inch of you that he could.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. You know I love you and I just get caught up with everything. I should be paying more attention to the woman I love." He kissed you after his small speech but you said nothing. You didn't need to.

He unbuttoned your pants and you raised your hips slightly so he could pull them down easier. He stopped for a moment, just looking at you.

"What is it?" You asked, propping yourself up on your elbows to look at him better.

"You're just so gorgeous. Your beauty never fails to amaze me. But why don't you go wait for me in the bedroom and I'll meet you there in a few minutes." He said.

His compliment was followed by disappointment from you. You knew he meant well.

"Hey, I just want to show you love in a place we can both be more comfortable. I just gotta pick stuff up here. It's a bit romantic in a bed then on a wooden desk." He explained in a comforting manner.

You got off the desk and began to head to the bedroom, but not without a hand grabbing your ass first. He pulled you back in for one more kiss or multiple little kisses all over your face.

You let out a soft laugh and lightly slapped his arm before making your way to the bedroom.

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