41| Klaus Mikaelson

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You and Klaus had been dating for a couple of months, and so far no one really knows. Elijah has his suspicions along with the rest of his siblings but they all like you, except for Rebekah, so they don't mind. Though, your brothers are a different story. Damon and Stefan already hate Klaus with a passion, and if they knew you were dating him that hatred would be 10 times as bad. So you and Klaus try your absolute hardest to avoid your brothers figuring out.

Klaus had texted you not too long ago that he would be at your house soon. The boys would be gone for the day. They were tied up in something with Elena, as usual. It was easy to hide a relationship when the people you're hiding it from are never around.

You heard the door open downstairs and rushed down the stairs. Klaus leaned against the door frame with a smirk. A smile spread across your face. He shut the door behind him and sped the rest of the way to you, lifting you from the floor in a hug. Your giggles filled the air along with his chuckles as you enjoyed the embrace of each other.

He set you back onto the floor and placed his hand lightly under your chin and tilted your head up slightly to connect your lips to his. As soon as your lips touched, the door opened. You looked towards the door, noticing your brothers and practically threw yourself backward.

Stefan was surprised but you could see the disappointment in his face. Damon was angry. His jaw was clenched and his hands were already curled into fists.

"What is he doing here?" Damon spat. Klaus remained calm but his facial expression showed he was on guard. He was ready for anything to be thrown his way. He was also ready to protect you if needed.

"I-uh, he, we-" You didn't know how to respond and you were glad to be cut off but also scared as to what Klaus was gonna say.

"You're alright, love. We can't hide it forever. Damon, Stefan, I just so happen to be dating your sister." Klaus said with meaning but he was also being snarky. Damon took a deep breath before he suddenly launched in Klaus' direction. Klaus tossed him aside. Stefan sped over to you well Klaus left, deciding it was best for him to leave.

Damon groaned from the floor before standing up. His eyes instantly found you. You hadn't moved, you were in such a shock. You knew this would happen but it's still a surprise. As much as you loved Klaus, you still felt guilty about hiding it from your brothers.

"Really, Y/N? Klaus? Of all the options you picked a Mikealson and Klaus at that? How stupid are you?" Damon scolded you. You didn't know if you should be upset or angry at his words.

"Damon, watch it. She's not stupid." Stefan stood up for you. You knew he was still upset with the situation but you could always count on Stefan.

"I'm going to the Grill. She isn't allowed to leave. Watch her, Stefan." Damon said before slamming the front door.

You knew better than to argue with anything that was going on so you made your way to the couch and sat down. You could feel Stefan's eyes on you. His sigh was quiet but he came and sat next to you and held his arms out but you cuddled into the couch instead. His arms dropped and you sat in silence.


It was about an hour later. You hadn't moved from the couch and Stefan was in the kitchen cooking. Though he had just gone upstairs and this was your chance. You grabbed your phone and quietly left the house before leaving as fast as possible.

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