49| Kai Parker

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Kai hadn't been paying attention to you all day and it was annoying you. You had complained and whined to him all day but he just ignores you which causes you to get frustrated and stomp away. You gave up bothering him and just laid in the middle of the floor, your arms crossed and a pout on your face. You laid there for about 20 minutes before Kai walked into the room.

You shut your eyes so you didn't have to look at him. You heard him chuckle but you didn't dare move or smile, despite how much you wanted to. You opened your eyes to see him standing over you, his legs on either side of your hips. He wore a smirk and you couldn't stop the smile that spread across your face.

"Why are you so needy?" He asked playfully. You shrugged. He raised an eyebrow at you before he dropped down to hover over top of you, his hands holding him up.

"Are you ignoring me now?" He asked and placed his lips to your collarbone. You said nothing but the struggle of keeping your arms where they were made you whine. He abruptly sat up and his hands then attacked to your sides and you squealed out in surprise and squirmed under him.

"Stop! Fine." You said and he stopped tickling you. You huffed and he pressed a soft kiss to your lips before putting all his weight on top of you, making you groan but wrap your arms around him.

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