8| Damon Salvatore

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"Damon, don't do this." You urged. He continued to kiss your neck. He ignored your comments and remarks. His hands trailed down your body. You tried to push him but he held your arms above your head.

"Damon, think of Elena. You're dating Elena." You knew if you let him do this he would regret it after. You ignored the aching in your body about how long you have wanted this.

He pulled away and he just stared at you. He let your hands go and you just slumped to the floor. You eyed him carefully as he paced around and ran a hand through his hair making it messy.

He refused to look at you. He kept his gaze on his feet. Your knees were close to your chest and your arms held them closer to you. You took a deep breath. You heard Elena's voice outside and so did Damon.

He was frozen. You stayed where you were. The door opened to reveal Elena and Caroline. Elena smiled at Damon and immediately had him in a hug. He responded by wrapping his arms around her. They shared a small kiss.

"Hey Y/N, didn't see you there," Caroline said and held a hand out for you. You took it and she pulled you to your feet. You dusted yourself off and gave her a smile.

"Why don't you stay over for a little? We could all probably use a drink." Stefan came down the stairs. Damon tensed but hid it quickly. You were as stiff as a board. He gave you a smile and you just nodded.

Elena and Damon sat down on the couch and Caroline followed them into the living room. You trailed behind slowly. You were scared that Stefan was gonna say something.

Everyone was eventually drinking and laughing. Damon had drowned everything in his bourbon so he was back to normal. You were sitting really quietly. Stefan kept trying to get you into the conversation but you gave one-word responses and would fade away again.

"Y/N, can I talk to you?" Stefan said and set his drink down. You nodded and Stefan stood up and headed into the kitchen. You set your drink down and followed him.

Once you were in the kitchen, Stefan turned on the faucets of water to block out our voices. He had a serious but concerned look.

"I know what happened earlier. Listen it really isn't my place to tell. Are you not gonna say something to Elena?" He questioned you.

"Stefan, listen, it was a mistake on Damon's part. No. I'm not gonna say anything." You said and left him in the kitchen.

You past by everyone and grabbed your coat and headed out the door. You ignored the calls of your name from everyone. Besides Damon. He didn't say anything.


You haven't talked to anyone in 4 days. You did talk to Matt but that was it. He had stopped by and brought you some chocolate.

You heard a knock downstairs. You groaned and threw the blankets off you. You jogged down the stairs and pulled the front door open. Damon stood there. You went to shut the door but he grabbed it.

"Y/N, we need to talk." He said and pushed the door open. He stepped in and shut the door behind him. He eyed you up and down and smirked. You looked down. You were just in a shirt but lucky it was just long enough.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You turned and walked away but a hand grabbing your wrist stopped you. You turned back to face Damon.

"I'm sorry. What I did was wrong. I just, I love you." He did three things. Three things Damon never does. Apologize, admit he did something wrong, and admit feelings.

"Damon don't." You warned.

"I broke up with Elena. A few days ago." He admitted and pulled you close to him. His hands gripped your waist. You were at a loss for words.

He connected his lips to yours and you couldn't help but kiss back. Your lips moved in sync before he pulled away and rested his forehead on yours.

"I love you too." You said and he wore a smirk.

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