52| Kol Mikaelson

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Kol had been out all day with Klaus and Elijah, attending to "business" which is most likely killing someone because Klaus said so. You were bored and hadn't done anything all day which includes eating so you had gone to the store. You bought anything you thought was interesting soon you almost had a full cart.

You had been slowly eating your junk food and if something had a wrapper you just threw it to the floor for it to sit in its own little crumbled ball. The front door opened and in stepped Kol. He looked up at the disaster in front of him.

"You are cleaning this disaster up." Kol said as he began stepping over trash. He peeked into the bags around you and rolled his eyes.

"What has gotten into you?" He asked and you shrugged, not wanting to speak to him. You were being petty. You hated when he did things for Klaus and was gone for a long time and never checking in with you.

"Oh darling, you're upset." He said in a fake sad tone. He crouched down to your level and you gave him a blank stare.

"Keep drowning yourself in your feelings, goodnight. I love you." He said and you jumped off the couch and followed him upstairs, his low chuckle following your actions.

You began to pick up your pace, chasing after him just for him to use his speed and zoom off. You huffed in annoyance. You hated this game, it wasn't fair.

"Oh come on, darling. Come get me." He taunted, his voice coming from a room down the hall. You followed it to the room he was in and began to open the door just for him to speed past you.

"Kol! This isn't fair. I don't enjoy this." You whined. He stood at the top of the stairs, leaned against the banister. You were ignored at the dumb smirk on his face.

"It's fun if you stopped being a whiny baby all the time, love. Let loose, enjoy yourself." He said, not realizing how much you'd take offense.

"Maybe I'd enjoy myself if you spent more time with me. Instead, you run around and do whatever Klaus wants you to do all day. God forbid I want to actually spend time with my boyfriend." You spat. You made your way past him, down the stairs, putting on your shoes.

He followed you down the stairs but just watched you. Seeming to not care, you rolled your eyes and went straight out the front door. You made sure to slam it behind you so he knows you're not happy.

As you began to walk away from the house, you found yourself looking back multiple times. You wanted the door to open and him to come out, apologizing and saying how much he loves you.

But he didn't. You tuned to look at the house and watched him through the window and he threw himself down on the couch carelessly. It stung that he didn't care, at least not enough to act on it.

As tears filled your eyes, you turned away from the house. You weren't going to give him the satisfaction of running back to him. He would have to, but all you could think of was, what if he didn't?

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