25| Kol Mikaelson

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Kol had been killing too many innocent people lately. You knew when you began dating him that there were going to be struggles. He had promised to cut back on the kills. Eventually, he promised to completely stop killing innocent humans.

You had been letting it slide, hoping that it would eventually stop but it hadn't. It was just getting worse. You had decided to confront him about it. You just had to wait until he came home, which was right about now.

Kol pushed open the front door. He had blood dribbling down his chin and a triumphant smirk plastered on his face. You were already angry at the sight of him. You stood up and leaned against the door frame with your arms crossed over your chest. An angry expression obvious in your features.

"What the hell is your problem, Kol?" You snapped angrily. His smirk faded and he looked at you.

"What do you mean, love?" He asked and wiped away the blood from his chin with a napkin.

"All of these people you've been killing? They are innocent. You made a promise. At first, I was letting it slide but it's gone too far." Your voice was sharp and stern.

"It's my nature, Y/N." He said and began to walk away but you threw a pillow at him.

"No. Stefan can live off of bunnies. Elijah can live from blood bags. Damon drinks from the vein but not enough to kill. You, you just kill." You argued. He turned angrily to face you.

"Well, I am not them. I'm not stopping. I think I'll just go back out and enjoy myself." He snapped and began to head towards the door. He pulled open the door and you pushed the words out of your throat.

"If you walk out that door, don't come back." You chocked out. Tears were welling up in your eyes.

He didn't bother to look at you but he stopped in the doorway. You stood and watched his every move. He shook his head and slammed the door behind him. You burst into tears and dropped to the floor. He left. Kol is gone.

You stood up. Anger taking over your body. You stormed up to your room and began ripping all of Kol's clothes out. You shoved them all into a few duffel bags. You picked them all up and carried them downstairs and threw them outside. You couldn't help but hope it would rain and all his clothes would get soaked.

Kol's POV

I was heading back to Y/N's house. I needed to apologize. I had been acting out lately. Hopefully, she would just take me back. Knowing her, she probably will.

I stopped in my footsteps at 3 duffel bags lying in the yard. I unzipped them and they all contained my clothes. Leaving my clothes behind, I spee inside. I searched the whole house. Her clothes and personal items were gone. She left.
Y/N is gone.

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