47| Elena Gilbert

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It was very cold in your house so you had wrapped yourself in several blankets. Elena wasn't up yet but you went downstairs to get something to drink and just never went back up. You refused to move from your warmth.

"Y/N?" Elena asked suspiciously as she tipped toed down the stairs. You lightly giggled because you knew Elena was always on edge and she was a little worried about you but here you were in a protective cocoon. She spotted you on the couch and an amused expression found it's way onto her face.

"I was about to say it's freezing but I suppose you aren't cold." She teased and you stuck your tongue out at her. She went to grab your blankets but you lightly slapped her hand and whined.

"Don't touch my blankets." You said with seriousness dripping from every word. Elena laughed and you faked a pout.

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