36| Tyler Lockwood & Damon Salvatore

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You and Tyler have gotten really close lately and now Caroline was ignoring you. You were currently on your way to the Grill because Damon had messaged you. You were his second drinking buddy. You pushed open the door to the Grill. Damon was sipping bourbon at the bar. You walked straight to Damon and took the seat next to him. He greeted you with a glass of whiskey that you instantly took a swig of.

You and Damon began to talk and joke around. You and Damon had always been best friends. You were very similar to him. You heard the familiar laugh of an annoying blonde. Both you and Damon turned in your chairs. Tyler and Caroline had just walked in, hands intertwined. You finished your whiskey and placed the glass down. As soon as Tyler saw you he let go of Caroline's hand and made his way over to you. You instantly smiled.

"Hey, Y/N." He said and you could feel Caroline's eyes burning into you.

"Hey Wolfie, how's it going?" You greeted. He smiled at the use of the nickname you gave him. Caroline was slowly coming up behind him.

"Good. Good. Drinking with Damon again I see." Tyler said. Caroline was now standing behind him.

"Yeah he messaged me and you know how much I love my whiskey." You said and smirked.

"And how much you love Damon." Caroline taunted. Your smirk never fell at her comment.

"You're not wrong, he's my best friend. I think I have the hots for your boyfriend more." You sneered. She hissed and lunged at you. You gripped by her throat and slammed her to the floor. Everyone in the Grill was focused on you and Caroline.

She struggled to pry your hand away from her neck but you were older and way stronger than she was. She didn't stand a chance, and she knew that. The fear that filled her eyes made you smile evilly. Damon cheered behind you. Tyler stood with wide eyes at the scene.

"Listen here you dumb little blonde, try and attack me again, a stake will be driven through your heart. I don't play games, especially not yours." You spat and let go of her. She stood up quickly, her hand rubbing where yours had just been.

She glanced at Tyler obviously angry he hadn't done anything. Your chest rose and fell in anger but it was slowing down as you collected yourself.

"What the hell, Tyler?" She asked angrily. He looked at her with a confused face. She groaned and huffed and stomped her way out of the bar.

Tyler's face softened as he looked at you and you gave him a slight smile and waved him off. He began to walk away and he hesitated, stopping for a second, but he ended up leaving the bar. You sat back down.

"Why'd you let him leave?" Damon asked and waved the bartender over to get you another drink, him knowing you needed it.

"I don't get happy endings, Damon." You said softly and he gave you a kind smile. A new glass of whiskey was placed in front of you. You picked it up and Damon held his out to you. You clinked yours against his.

"You and I are alike in more way than one," Damon said and took a chug of his bourbon well you did the same with your whiskey. You nodded and he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into his side.

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