56| Stefan Salvatore

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Stefan took no time before lowering you onto the bed, him hovering over top of you. His lips connected with yours and moved heatedly. Your hands gripped his biceps and he licked your bottom lip for entrance that you granted. Everything was moving quickly and neither of you noticed that the door had opened and Damon was standing in the doorway. He cleared his throat and Stefan quickly threw the blanket over you.

"Sorry to interrupt but little brother, we have a problem." Damon said, a smirk across his face and his arms crossed. Stefan groaned and you sighed.

"Lets go. Things to do. Cute bra by the way,
Y/N." Damon said. Stefan didn't bother to look at him.

"Out, Damon." Stefan said through gritted teeth. Damon held his hands up in surrender and left the room.

Both you and Stefan were getting dressed. Both of you annoyed that the alone time you finally got together, was interrupted. There's also no chance of alone time again any time soon with another problem coming up.

"I'll be back later, okay?" Stefan attempted to reassure you but you stopped for a second.

"Wait, I'm not going with you?" You questioned. You can't stand when he makes you stay back. All you want to do is help.

"Not this time. I know you want to and if we need you, I'll call. Just wait for me here. Try not to worry, alright?" He kissed you on the forehead. "I love you a bunch. I'll be back as fast as I can." He said and left after kissing you one more time.

You were anything but pleased. You can't stand being babied. You know he cares but everyone gets in on the action and you have to stay home. You decided that's not how things are gonna go this time.

You got up and collected your things. You knew this was most likely a Klaus problem. Meaning, problem isn't going to go away because we have no way to kill him yet but for some stupid reason, Stefan and Damon continue to make Klaus angry.

You open the door to be met with a face you haven't actually seen face to face, just from a distance, as Stefan wouldn't let you close to him. He held a smirk and a stake in his hand.

"Hello, love." Klaus spoke. You knew you were breathing heavy. If you were alive, your heart would be pounding. Klaus knew you were scared.

"I suggest you step outside or I can just burn it down. Your choice." He threatened. You glanced behind you before putting your eyes back on him. You said nothing as you slowly stepped outside, shutting the door behind you.

"What do you want?" You asked. Knowing this is probably not going to end well for you.

"Well, you see, your little boyfriend and his brother are causing me lots of problems and getting in my way. So, I need to send them quite the message." He said, he had a gleam in his eyes that showed he had already planned something.

This was it, wasn't it? This is where things ended for you. You don't get to say goodbye to anyone. Don't get to tell them you love them one last time. You don't -

"Oops." He whispered in your ear. The pain in your chest had stopped all your thoughts. You looked at Klaus as he pulled his lips back from your ear. You then looked down at the stake driven through your heart. Everything slowly faded away.

Klaus had been holding you up but now your body gray and empty, he dropped you. Klaus left, leaving your body for Stefan and Damon to find upon their arrival home.

For those that ask, there will be no second part to this.

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