22| Damon Salvatore

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Damon had drug you to the Grill with him. You currently sat at the bar well he was playing pool with Stefan. A man took a seat next to you. He introduced himself and you did the same. He was funny and seemed pretty nice. He excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Damon's POV

I heard Y/N's laugh and my head shot up. A boy sat next to her. He was being a little touchy. His knee would skim across hers or he would grab her arm when she would laugh at one of his stupid jokes. She didn't seem to notice how hard he was flirting. I was getting angry. He excused himself and he touched her knee. The wooden pole I was holding snapped at the hard grip of my hand.

As soon as the bathroom door shut I walked straight to Y/N. She turned in the chair to face me. I heard the bathroom door open. I ripped her out of her chair and kissed her roughly. It didn't take her long to respond. My hands planted on her waist. I kept my eyes open and stared at the guy. My lips moved quickly with hers as I watched the guy. He approached and stopped when he saw the scene in front of him. His eyes meant mine and we stared at each other before he quickly left. When I heard the door to the Grill close I pulled away. She lightly panted.

"What was that for?" She asked. I smirked.

"You're mine." Was all I said and went back to my game of pool.

"You didn't." I heard her huff.

"I did," I said slyly and looked back at her. She couldn't help but smile and shake her head.

"Yours." She whispered and sat back down.

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