32| Tyler Lockwood

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Tyler has been super overprotective lately. He was barely letting you go out with friends he was constantly asking what you guys were going. If it included Damon, Jeremy, or Klaus it was a definite no. You didn't know why and it was getting annoying since they were all your friends. You missed them and you hadn't seen any of them in almost a week. All you wanted was a drink with Klaus and to go on an adventure with Damon and to have a lazy day with Jeremy.

So you came up with a plan. Of course with a little help from Caroline and from Elena. Bonnie wasn't really a close friend. Your plan was telling Tyler you were hanging out with Caroline and Elena but in reality, you were meeting with Klaus at the Grill. If he messaged Elena or Caroline they were gonna cover for you.

You had just finished getting dressed when Tyler walked in. You greeted him with a smile and he wrapped his arms around you. You didn't enjoy lying to him but it was becoming too much. He was too stubborn when you tried to talk to him about it. Man, was he stubborn.

"Have fun, baby. Text me when you're on your way home." Tyler said and kissed the top of your head before kissing your lips. The kiss was small and simple.

"I will. Don't have too much fun without me okay. I'll be back in two hours tops." You explained and said your goodbyes before driving to the Grill.

As soon as you got there you were pretty eager to see your best friend. Klaus was already seated at the bar. You walked over and hugged him tightly from behind. You bent down so your arms were wrapped around his stomach and your head rested on his upper back. You breathed in his familiar scent, a deep chuckle coming from him.

"There's my sweet, Y/N." He stated and you pulled away, taking your seat next to him. He smirked at you and ordered your favorite drink for you. Matt giving you a small greeting.

"How's my big bad wolf?" You asked Klaus and he rolled his eyes at your little nickname. Although you could see the small smile on his face, knowing he secretly loved it.

"I've missed you. It's been boring and Tyler really needs to give you some freedom." Klaus said and took a sip of his drink.

You sighed and swished the alcoholic beverage in your cup. You knew he was right but Tyler was so hardheaded and it was hard to change his mind when he's already made a decision with something. Especially when it comes to you.

Klaus and you ended up talking for about an hour. Talking about everything that you've missed in each other's lives since you weren't big at texting or calling. You liked face to face more. You get more communication that way. Seeing how they truthfully react to what you say. Although the laughs and happiness were cut short when Tyler walked in the Grill. He looked angry. His eyes instantly landed in you and you gulped the rest of your drink. Klaus smirked as he turned to face Tyler angrily coming your way.

"What the hell, Y/N! Why did you lie to me?" He snapped when he was in front of you. You bit your bottom lip and groaned.

"You're so controlling, Tyler. I missed seeing my friends. The only way was lying to me. I didn't want to but it really had to be done." You explained, finally letting things off your chest. Everyone was watching carefully around you. The Grill wasn't really full but there was over 10 people.

"I let you see your friends!" He argued, ignoring everything else you said. Klaus rolled his eyes and so did you.

"You let me see Elena and Caroline. Sometimes Stefan, as long as Damon isn't there. You wouldn't let me see Damon, Jeremy, and Klaus. Klaus is my best friend. Every Tuesday and Friday we come to the bar. I don't see why all of a sudden you won't let me see any of them." You said, your voice noticeably getting angry as its tone was getting louder.

"They are all guys that would have no problem taking you from me. Jeremy took Vicki. Klaus took Caroline. Damon is just Damon. I don't want to lose you, alright?" His voice was no longer angry and was soft. He didn't want to argue with you. You didn't want to argue either but sometimes that was the only way to drill something into his head.

"Tyler, baby, I just want you. Jeremy isn't gonna take me, I'm actually trying to get him to meet my cousin. Hook that up but he's being complicated. Klaus is my best friend. He has none of those intentions, besides he still fancies Caroline. Damon is yes Damon, but oh god I would never date Damon. He's a good friend but sorry never." You assured him. He chuckled as you finished your little speech and you grabbed his face and kissed him. Klaus made a gagging sound next to you.

"I love you." He said and wrapped his arms around you after you pulled away.

"I love you too." You whispered and returned his hug. Klaus smiling next to you.

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