34| Klaus Mikaelson

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Kol and you had been thinking of a way to try and prank Klaus. Klaus was not easy to prank. Living the life he does, he's always on high alert. So this took some complicated planning. Currently, Klaus was not home and it was just you and Kol.

Klaus despised the way Kol would flirt with you so why not make Klaus think that you two are together in bed when he gets home. You already promised Kol his safety. Although, it took a lot of convincing.

So currently you were waiting for your message from Klaus that he was almost home before you and Kol would get into position. You were truthfully terrified as to what exactly he would do but you don't want Kol to back out so you hid how nervous you were.

Your phone dinged signaling he messaged. You always respond to his message so he would know something is up when you don't reply so that's exactly why you weren't replying. You set your phone on the nightstand and Kol laid down. It would be harder for him to reach Kol if he was under you.

Your legs straddled Kol's waist. This was already awkward. This was as intimate you were gonna get. You were both just gonna make fake noises to worry him. You both knew it would work. You didn't need the fake clothes scattered or anything.

You heard the door open and you instantly began moaning, both you and Kol were trying not to laugh. Kol followed your actions. Not even 10 seconds later, the door was flung into the room. You shielded yourself and then turned to look at a yellow-eyed Klaus.

You sped off Kol and went straight in front of Klaus. He was breathing heavily. You cupped his face in your hands.

"Baby, it was a prank relax." You whispered. He finally tore his gaze from Kol and looked at you. He took a deep breath and relaxed but you could tell he was still angry. He turned and left the room. You followed quickly behind him. A flood of worry flashed through you.

"Klaus, I'm sorry. It was a joke. I knew you would be angry just no-" You started but his yelling cut you off.

"You KNEW I would be angry but you still decided to do that! I thought that was actually happening! That after I gave you my all you betrayed me! What the hell were you thinking!?" His loud voice silenced yours. Your lips pressed into a straight line. You didn't know if you wanted to actually speak or not.

"I-I just thought it would be funny. I didn't think you would get this angry." You whispered softly and looked at your feet. Kol was standing at the bottom of the steps, watching silently.

"Y/N, darling, don't be scared. Please. I overreacted. It's okay. I just got worried that I lost you and to Kol." Klaus' voice was now soft. He hooked a finger under your chin and made you look up at him. He placed a kiss to your lips and then your forehead before pulling you into a hug.

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