3| Klaus Mikaelson

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You looked at the sketch in your hands and set it on the table. You got up and made your way down the stairs and headed into the kitchen. You grabbed a glass and filled it with water. There was a knock on your front door. You groaned and trudged into the living room.

You pulled open the door and was met with a smirking Klaus. He wasn't invited in. You stood your ground, a cold look on your face.

"Hello love, mind inviting me in?" His thick accent filled your ears and you rolled your eyes.

"Bye." You said and began to shut the door but stopped when Klaus spoke again.

"I wouldn't do that. Listen, sweetheart, I do believe, you care deeply for that older Salvatore. Is that correct?" His voice taunts you. Your eyes widen at the mention of Damon. You pulled the door open all the way.

"What did you do?" You asked coldly. The anger inside you was about to burst.

"My sister is currently torturing him. You have the last white oak stake. Bring it to my place and you can maybe save Damon before Rebekah kills him." He said and with that, he left. You slammed the door and jogged upstairs.

You pushed the bookshelf away from the wall and pulled open the small door. You grabbed the stake and tossed it in your bag. You picked up the bag and ran back downstairs to get your shoes on.


You approached the door to the Mikaelson's house. You knocked and the door opened to reveal someone you didn't recognize. They grabbed your arm roughly and pulled you inside. The dragged you into a room and Klaus was crouched down in front of a fire.

He turned to face you with a smile. He shooed the man away and he followed orders. You didn't wait for him to say anything before you opened your bag and tossed him the stake. He caught it with ease and it was instantly in the fire.

"Where's Damon?" You asked shakily. He smirked and just pointed to the door. You ripped it open and right across the room was Damon. He was chained and bloody. His head hung low.

You dropped your bag and ran to him. He looked horrible. You looked at the bindings. He opened his eyes to see you.

"Y/N? No, get out of here." He chocked out. You shook your head and your hands shook.

"I'm not leaving you here. I gave him the stake. Tell me what to do." You said quietly. He looked up at his binding on his left wrist. You reached up and began to pry it apart.

"Careful." He said quietly. As soon as his wrist was free he dropped slightly. He held onto you as you did the next arm. Once he was fully out he was practically limp in your arms.

"Drink Damon." You said and held your wrist out. He went to argue but he knew you wouldn't give up and his teeth pierced your wrist. You let out a small whimper at the pain.

As soon as he was strong enough, he was standing in two seconds. A defensive guard was placed over you as he shoved you more behind him. You grabbed a fistful of the back of his torn shirt, just as a little hint for him not to just lunge.

That's when you noticed Klaus searching through all your sketches. You went to walk around Damon but he pulled you back. He gave you his "are you stupid look". Klaus looked up from the small book in his hand.

"Your drawing skills are very impressive. You know, I draw. I could show you." Klaus said and put the book back in your bag. He began to walk over before Damon took a step forward. You grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

You gave him a reassuring smile. You approached Klaus carefully and took the bag from his hand. He gave you a smirk.

"Maybe another time. Let's go, Damon." You said coldly and began to walk for the door. Damon followed quickly not wanting to leave you to far ahead.

You stormed down the steps. You were angry at Damon. He did something stupid to get himself in there. You got in your car and Damon took the passenger seat. You started it and drove off without a word.

You pulled up to the Salvatore boarding house and just waited for Damon to get out. He took notice and got slightly annoyed. You stared forward, your arms crossed over your chest, your jaw clenched.

"Y/N are you seriously gonna act like th-" Damon began but you cut him off by slamming your hands down on the steering wheel.

"Yes, I am Damon. Stop messing with the Mikaelsons. You're so stupid and irrational and I can't stand it. I'm tired of coming around to clean up all your stupid messes. You're like Klaus just toned down a little. Now, get out of my car!" You shouted. He got up and slammed the car door shut.

You took no time before pulling out, not even glancing back. Going 40 over the speed limit, not something you planned.

Klaus sat on the stairs leading up to your door. You pulled in and he looked at you. You rolled your eyes and stepped out of the vehicle. Klaus stood up but you pushed past him. He grabbed your wrist and turned you quickly to face him.

"Hold on." He said nicely but you knew it was an order. He picked you up, bridal style. You wrapped your arms around his neck and shut your eyes.

You felt ground under your feet so you opened your eyes and let go of Klaus' neck. Your eyes instantly found the artwork surrounding the room. Pieces done beautifully.

Klaus watched you carefully from the other side of the room. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the brightness in your eyes as you looked at every detail. Your hands skimming lightly across the work. He could hear your heart pounding and it was calm, not like it usually is around him, but he believed you didn't truly know he was there.

You stopped at his desk and looked at all the simple sketches done on the papers. You lifted up one to see a drawing of a girl. That girl was you. He moved forward slightly but your gaze stayed on the paper. It was a sketch but it still had so much detail put into it.

Klaus was now by your side. He observed your features closer as his eyes skimmed everywhere, taking in your expression. The small smile that pulled at your lips, your eyes that stared at the page in amazement and appreciation. You looked up at him. The small smile was bigger but Klaus still didn't smile back.

"This is absolutely great. Your work is so beautiful and it's obvious how much time and work is put into each piece. It's outstanding." You said completely stunned.

Klaus reached up and caressed your cheek. Your heart was slowly beginning to pound in your chest. He leaned in slightly and your breath hitched. He chuckled deeply but lightly and pulled you a little closer to him. Your faces inches apart, he connected his lips with yours. It was soft and slow. You didn't hesitate to kiss back. His hands had moved to your hips and yours to around his neck.

He pulled away and rested his forehead upon yours. It was then that you took in his piercing eyes, full of passion and desire. The smirk that was on his lips. Your chest rising up and down quickly.

"You're absolutely stunning." He whispered. You gave a small laugh and Klaus gave a smile.

"Would you like to go on a date with me or can we skip that?" Klaus asked as he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. You couldn't stop the smile on your face.

"We can definitely skip that." You said quietly. He connected his lips once again with yours. The kiss small and simple but meaningful.

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