18| Elijah Mikaelson

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It was your lazy day. Sunday. You had gathered your blanket and snacks, about to put in a movie when your phone began to ring. You groaned and got up, answering the phone.

"What?" You said, annoyance very clear in your voice.

"Bad time love? I was gonna ask if you wanted to come over. Rebekah and I are the only ones here. She's bored and so am I." Klaus' voice spoke with amusement through the phone. You sighed.

"Fine, but I'm wearing my pajamas." You said and hung up. You shoved your phone into your pocket and swiped your keys from the table and got in your car and made your way to Klaus' house.

You didn't knock but just opened the door and made your way to the kitchen, you grabbed a bag of chips and headed to the lounge. Klaus rolled his eyes at you as you walked in the door with your chips.

"Y/N, we have to constantly buy chips because you eat them all. I'm gonna make you start paying." Klaus scolded you. You scoffed and sat next to Rebekah.

"Just compel them. Problem solved." You retorted and placed your feet on the coffee table. Klaus smirked.

You heard the front door open and you glanced at Rebekah who gave you a wink. You instantly sped to the front door. Kol noticed you first and approached you, he placed a hand on your waist.

"Pajamas? Very classy." Kol said with a grin. You laughed and looked behind him at Elijah. He hadn't noticed you looking at him, he was instead focused on Kol's hand that rested on your hip.

As soon as his hand left, Elijah's eyes met yours. You had a small smile and he smirked. Something he doesn't do often.

"Ah yes, your penguin pajamas. Personally, I think your race car ones are more classy." He teased you. You softly bit your lip as soft laughs escaped your lips.

"Just date already," Rebekah shouted. Your cheeks went red but Elijah remained collected. You laughed awkwardly and sped back to the room and chucked a pillow at Rebekah. She didn't expect it so it hit her in the face.

She then began to chase you around the house. Both of your giggles of laughter filled the air. You turned the corner and ran straight into Elijah and he quickly grabbed your arms so you didn't stumble. You felt a pillow hit the back of you. You turned to face Rebekah.

She waved and sped off. You picked up the pillow and turned back to Elijah. He held a small smile on his face.

"Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me?" Elijah asked quite calmly but his eyes showed how nervous he was. You couldn't stop the big smile that crept onto your face.

"Of course." You said. You kissed his cheek lightly and he caressed your cheek before softly kissing your lips.

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