57| Damon Salvatore

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You had just fallen asleep after a very intimate night with Damon. You were exhausted but Damon wasn't so he held you tightly in his arms and watched you sleep.

"My beautiful girl, I don't deserve you. The kindness I get from you is unbelievable. I don't deserve it either. I'm the selfish asshole and you're the selfless sweetheart. It doesn't make any sense but I'm glad I have you. I don't want to lose you. You're mine and mine only because I'm selfish." He says softly as he took in the truth of his words as he finally said them out loud.

You and Damon were not official yet. No one knew but you had already told him that you were purely focused on him. Despite not being together technically, you were still loyal to him. It started off as just some fun but overtime, you had both began to become attached.

Damon took a bit longer to get there though. He didn't want it to play out that way. You knew he didn't want to fall in love again but eventually he realized, there wasn't anyone better to fall in love with than you.

Even though you hadn't heard him, he knew that you knew that you were his and he was yours. He didn't have the courage to tell you he loved you yet but he did.

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