11| Damon Salvatore

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"Y/N, don't," Damon yelled. Damon stood about 8 feet from you. You looked around you. All the bodies scattered aimlessly. None breathing. They laid there lifeless. Tears ran down your cheeks. You looked Damon straight in the eyes before you shut your own.

"NO!" Damon screamed and you opened your eyes to Damon standing in front of you. His hands were clamped down on your arms. His eyes searched yours. You wiped away the tears and smiled. Damons face showed complete defeat.

You turned the switch. You could no longer feel. You pushed Damon away. Left him alone in the forest to deal with your destruction as you ran away. Never planning on coming back. This new you was definitely different.

***big time skip***

It's been 5 months since you last saw Damon or anyone from Mystic Falls. You destroyed your phone and moved far away. None of them were a thought on your mind.

The guy behind you had his hands placed on your hips as you grinded into him. You didn't know him or his name. That didn't matter. He was dinner. You turned to face him. Your hand rested on his chest. He looked down at you with so much lust.

"Let's get out of here." You whispered into his ear and grabbed his hand. You pulled him out of the door around to the side of the building.

You pushed him against the wall. His lips found yours but you trailed kisses down his jaw to his neck. You took no time in waiting as you sank your teeth in. Your hand clamped over his mouth. His screams slowly stopped and he stopped fighting back. His body beginning to slump and his heart rate became slower.

"Y/N." The voice you hadn't heard in so long filled your ears. You finished off the guy and as you pulled away his body dropped. You turned to face Damon. You licked the blood off your lips and you approached Damon.

You put your hand on his chest. He just looked down at you. You wiped some blood that had fallen down your cheek with your thumb. You sucked the blood off your thumb not breaking eye contact with Damon.

"Come back." He said sternly. You could smell the bourbon leave his breath causing you to smirk. You trailed your hand down to the waist of his pants as you went to continue he grabbed your wrist roughly and shoved you into the wall. You smacked against it with a loud thud. A sinister smile spread across your face.

"This isn't you. Come back to me, please. Y/N, I love you." Damon begged but kept his wall up. Something inside you seemed to click. You were scared to look at the body next to you. You were scared. You haven't been scared in so long.

Your eyes slowly traveled to the man lying on the ground. A small whimper escaped your lips and your knees went weak. You were going to collapse but Damon caught you in time. He held you tightly against him and you sobbed into his chest. You fisted his leather jacket with your hands. He just rubbed your back and shushed you lightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You apologized into his shirt. He pulled away and cupped your face with his hands. He wiped away your tears.

"I love you, Damon." You whispered and he kissed the top of your head.

"I love you too, Y/N." He said quietly.

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