54| Stefan Salvatore

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*Very short*

You and Stefan both agreed on a lazy day. You were both relaxing in bed, enjoying each other's company in the silence of not only the room but the house. You were cuddled up in Stefan's side as he played with your hair but a sudden idea popped into your head. You sprung up from the bed and ran to your dresser and pulled open the bottom drawer. There sat your coloring books and your crayons.

You pulled them out and heard Stefan chuckle behind you. You looked over your shoulder to see Stefan propped up on his elbows as he watched you. You laid on your stomach and began flipping through a coloring book and finding a page and began coloring.

Stefan hopped down from the bed and laid across from you and followed your actions. You watched him as he began to color and you smiled causing him to wink at you.

"Didn't know you had a secret stash." Stefan said and you rolled your eyes but smiled anyway.

"I have my secrets." You told him and placed a crayon back, grabbing another.

"I'll just have to figure them all out." He said and continued coloring with you.

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