23| Damon Salvatore

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Your eyes slowly opened and Damon continued to play with your hair. You sat up slightly so you could reach his lips. You pecked his lips lightly and went to pull away but Damon grabbed your arm and pulled you back into him. His lips crashed with yours roughly. When he finally pulled away he smirked at you. You got up and picked up the shirt he had taken off last night. You buttoned it up around you. Damon came up behind you. His arms snaked around your waist and his lips quickly found your neck. He trailed soft and wet kisses until he froze at your words.

"Turn me." You whispered. His kissed stopped and he pulled his head away from your neck. He looked at you through the mirror in front of you.

"Y/N, I don't th-" He began but you cut him off.

"It's what I want Damon. I want you forever." You said confidently and turned to face him. His hands rested on your hips.

"You really want this? You won't grow old. You won't have kids." He said and his hands moved from your waist to cupping your cheeks with both hands.

"I know Damon. I knew this when I started dating you. I'm ready." You said and gave him a smile. He kissed you passionately.

"Tonight." He said against your lips.

"I love you." You whispered.

"I love you too." He said with a smile but it turned into a smirk as he picked you up and laid you on the bed.

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