38| Damon Salvatore

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Elena wasn't really talking to you. She was pretty upset because she thinks Damon likes you. Although, the idea that he does makes you happier than it should. You've always liked Damon but you would never act on it. You got really close to Stefan to get closer to Damon. Damon picks on you and Stefan all the time. Both you and Stefan just shrug it off because there were no feelings like that towards each other. You both knew that. You talk with Stefan all the time about his love for Elena. She loves both of them, she always will.

Stefan's hands gripped your shoulders. He leaned down to whisper in your ear.

"You should make chocolate chip cookies." He whispered and you laughed. He pulled away to walk around the couch and sit next to you. You shook your head and he grabbed your hands and held them in his.

"Y/N, please make me chocolate chip cookies." He begged. You smiled at how badly he wanted chocolate chip cookies. Just as you were about to say something, someone cut you off.

"Awe, are you finally confessing your feelings to each other?" Damon teased. You rolled your eyes and pulled your hands away from Stefan's. Damon grabbed a glass and his bourbon but set the glass down and drank straight from the bottle.

"What's wrong with you?" You asked in annoyance with his words and attitude. He chuckled at your question.

"Listen, sweetheart, I'm not Stefan. I'm not gonna tell you my feelings." He said and gave a fake plastered smile. You scoffed and threw a pillow at him, although you knew he would catch it. You wanted to know what was wrong with him, but you knew not to push it.


You were currently waiting for Stefan. He wasn't home and Damon had just let you come in. Damon had gone upstairs so you just sat on the couch. The door opened and Stefan walked in but, with Elena right behind him. You groaned internally and sat up. You watched Elena's facial expression go from calm to annoyed as soon as she saw you.

"Of course you're here." She snapped. Stefan looked at her confused and then glanced at you.

"Am I not allowed to visit Stefan?" You asked annoyed. She rolled her eyes.

"Like you're here for Stefan." She said. You clenched your jaw and your hands turned to fists.

"Actually, I am. He wanted chocolate chip cookies so I came over to make some." You argued.

"You are such a liar." She was getting very heated and so were you. The only difference is you are human. Just as you were about to reply, Damon cut in.

"What is going on down here?" He asked. Elena chuckled, obviously amused by the question.

"What's going on? Don't act so clueless, Damon. You love her and you know it."
She yelled. Stefan observed quietly.

"You are so-" You began but was cut off when she launched at you. Damon was quick to be in front of her.

"You're right and you know if you hurt her, I won't hesitate to kill you." He said through gritted teeth. She finally backed off but you were still on guard. Stefan mentioned it was best that she left, him going with her to make sure she got home.

Damon shut the door behind them. He kept his back towards you. You hadn't moved or said anything. Truthfully you didn't know what to do. Several thoughts were going through your head. Damon finally turned to face you and as soon as his eyes met yours you looked down to avoid his gaze. You listened to his footsteps as they got closer. It wasn't long before his shoes came into view, you just stared at his shoes.

"Y/N, I would say I'm sorry but, I'm not. I love you." He said, his voice showing nothing but confidence.

You did nothing, too much of a shock to know how to react. His fingers hooked under your chin and he made you look up. His face was inches from yours. He leaned in closer making your heart speed up. His lips hovered over yours.

"Do you love me?" He whispered softly, his breath hitting your face.

"Yes." You breathed and in a second his lips planted roughly against yours.

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