40| Klaus Mikaelson

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Klaus' POV

She was gorgeous. Truly an extraordinary woman. Her eyes were always bright, always had a certain happiness to them. Her lips were always a perfect shade of pink and had the right amount of plumpness to them. Her smile used to bring anyone joy. She was a great speaker who channeled her emotions. She was perfect. Though, she never saw it.

I saw her eyes slowly but almost all at once lose their brightness. Her lips are now always chapped. I saw her go from this loud girl who spoke powerfully with excitement to this soft-spoken girl who talks about something that makes her happy but won't crack a smile.

I see her check herself a little longer in the mirror, turning to the side to see how far her stomach sticks out and when she sucks in. I notice her trying to hide her smile from others. I know she checks the bags under her precious eyes every morning. I see her count the calories of everything she eats. I see her.

I see this broken girl, this beautiful shell of a girl who was destroyed by others but tries so hard to stay together for others. I see her carry the problems of others along with her own. She deserves the world, as she once controlled. This girl isn't her.

I want the woman I know and love. So, I will love and cherish this girl until she is back on her feet, and she is proud again.

"Y/N, dear, are you ready?" I asked the girl standing in front of the mirror, her back turned to me.

"Yes, I believe so." Her soft voice hit my ears and she turned to face me. She looked like the woman I knew. Her lips a light pink and color restored to her cheeks. A bright look in her eyes. A million emotions hit me at once but I smiled.

I smiled because there she was, this girl who looks more sophisticated than ever. A girl who I hope will talk loudly in excitement. A girl who I hope will smile largely throughout the night. A girl who I hope feels gorgeous is what she's wearing. A girl that is getting herself back. My girl.


A quick little thing I thought of. Opinions??

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