9| Klaus Mikaelson

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You turned the page in your book. You read the words eagerly. The book was eventful and you couldn't read the words fast enough. You heard the door open but you couldn't look up. You knew who it was.

"My love, I'm home." Klaus' voice called out. You didn't move, you didn't say anything. He just had to listen for you.

He entered the living room with Elijah. Klaus watched you and you could feel his eyes but you still didn't glance up. A smile spread across his face as he watched your fierce eyes dart down the page as you read as fast as you could. Your tight grip on the book like it was gonna magically float away. Your breath that had quickened because the book was getting eventful.

"Hey Y/N, how are you?" Elijah asked but you still didn't move. Klaus chucked.

"You'll have no luck, mate. She won't leave that book until she has finished." Klaus said as he took a seat on the couch across from you. He was right.


You still have over 15 chapters left and you were still glued to your book. You didn't plan on leaving anytime soon. A pair of hands, that you instantly recognized, grabbed your shoulders. You still didn't move.

Klaus brushed the hair away from your neck and switched it to the other side. He began to trail sloppy kisses down your neck. You stayed focused on your book. Without any warning, he began to suck on your soft spot causing you to let out a soft moan that you didn't have time to conceal. He smirked against your skin.

"C'mon to bed." He whispered, his lips still against your skin. You closed your eyes to try and collect yourself. He took notice.

"Let's go kitten." He said so low and deep that you slammed your book shut. You set the book on the table and as soon as you stood, Klaus had moved in front of you.

"There you are." He said huskily and grabbed your hips and pulled you into him roughly. You rested a hand on his chest and slowly trailed down till you made it to the top of his pants and began to play with the waistband.

"Eager are we?" He asked. You could hear the amusement in his voice. You bit your lip before you roughly attached your lips to his.

He slammed you into the wall. His hand roamed everywhere as he kissed down your neck once again. Your hands tangled in his hair. His lips came back to yours and you rolled your hips against his. He let out a growl at your action.

"Jump." He ordered. You instantly obeyed. He held your upper things and your legs wrapped around him. He sped you up to the bedroom and laid you down on the bed.

He threw his jacket off and you began to undo the buttons of his dress shirt. He got tired of how long you were taking before just ripping it off. He tossed the ripped shirt to the side and did the same with yours. It split and you pulled it off.

He felt your body eagerly. Kisses trailed down from your collar bone to your pants which he ripped down from your legs with no problem. His hands slowly trailed up your inner thigh. His eyes met yours and you both knew how this was gonna end.

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