10| Elijah Mikaelson

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Elijah was currently sleeping and you were trying to make yourself breakfast. You were cooking eggs, bacon, and pancakes. You had finished the eggs and set them on your plate. The bacon was about done but you still had some pancake batter.

The bacon was finally done and you poured in the last pancake. It began to bubble around the edges and you went to flip the pancake but instead burnt yourself.

"Shit!" You yelled and dropped the spatula. You held your hand and went straight to the sink and began to run it under cold water. Hands slid there way onto your waist.

"You alright love?" Elijah whispered in your ear. You turned off the water and turned in his arms to face him. You nodded and he examined your hand. He kissed the burn softly.

"I have never heard you cuss before and I must admit, it's hot," Elijah said huskily. You blushed lightly and rolled your eyes. You glanced over at the pan and your eyes widened.

You pushed past him and ran to the stove. You turned off the flame and attempted to pry the half melted spatula out of the pan. Elijah chuckled behind you. You managed to just get the handle, the rest melted into the pan. The pancake was burnt and it smelled horrible. The scent of burnt plastic and pancakes were not a good mix.

You threw the spatula handle aside and huffed. You picked a piece of bacon and ate it. Elijah still stood by the sink and just watched you. You stuck your tongue out at him and he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Remind me to not let you cook breakfast." He began and stood in front of you, taking a piece of bacon and continuing, "Next time just wake me up, Y/N." he gave you a smile.

"Probably for the best." You laughed lightly and he kissed your forehead. He then took your plate of food and left the kitchen, causing you to chase after him.

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