37| Klaus Mikaelson

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You had been recently turned and it was a lot more complicated than you anticipated. Klaus had been working with you. He helped you with the bloodlust and made sure you wouldn't turn off your emotions. You had almost gotten your bloodlust under control.

You were currently walking around the woods, just enjoying yourself. You heard someone approaching and quickly looked around, it was Klaus. He approached with a small smile, you relaxed.

"You okay, love?" Klaus asked and you nodded softly. Not really wanting to speak at the moment. You had been enjoying the quiet, except for the small noises surrounding you.

"Then why are you out here?" Klaus asked another question, his concern for you showing which made you feel warm.

"Just walking around." You stated. Klaus was soon standing in from of you. He rested his hand upon your cheek, his thumb running across your skin softly.

"Just making sure, darling." He stated a gave you a soft but caring smile. His pet names making your heart flutter. You laughed lightly but soon started crying. Your emotions were still hectic so this was no surprise. Klaus showed worry as he pulled you into an embrace.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Klaus whispered into your hair before placing a small kiss there. You shook your head and clung to him tightly.

Klaus played with your hair and lightly shushed you. Soon the tears had stopped, only small sniffles taking their place as you calmed down.

"I hate this. The process is stupid." You whined childishly, making Klaus let out a deep chuckle. Of course, he found this amusing.

"I know, Kitten. I know." He soothed.

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