21| Damon Salvatore

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You and Damon had gotten into an argument this morning so you haven't talked all day. He went to the Grill, well you just stayed in the house with Stefan. You guys had just been talking all day. You currently had your head in Stefan's lap as you were sprawled out on the couch. He was playing with your hair because he knew you adored it. You weren't really watching the movie that played on the tv. It was just some background noise.

"Well aren't you two a happy couple." Damon's voice said coldly.

You sat up and Damon grabbed his bourbon and was upstairs before you and Stefan could say anything. You groaned and stood up. Stefan gave you a sad smile and you headed upstairs. You peered into Damon's room. He just laid there. Bourbon in his hand. You stepped into the room and shut the door behind you. You crawled into the bed next to him but he paid you no attention.

"Damon, c'mon." You whined. When he didn't respond, you stood up and went to the dresser. You took out a few items before Damon had a tight grip on your wrist.

"What are you doing?" He asked and set his bourbon down on top of the dresser.

"If you're gonna act like this, I'm gonna stay somewhere else for the might." You explained and tried to pull your hand away but he wouldn't allow it. He pushed you roughly against the wall.

"You are mine." He said possessively. You couldn't help but make him a little angry.

"Am I?" You questioned. He held your hands above your head and began to kiss down your neck. He began leaving hickeys and small moans would escape your lips. He let your hands go and ordered you to jump. Which you obeyed. He held you up against the wall and kissed your lips hungrily, his tongue quickly entering your mouth and exploring. He pulled away with a smirk.

"Mine." He whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine.

"Yours." You panted.

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