19| Stefan Salvatore

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You were just about to head upstairs to go to bed when someone knocked on the front door. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Who is that? You thought to yourself.

As soon as the door was pulled open you couldn't stop the smile. Stefan pulled you into a bone-crushing hug and you melted into his embrace. He took a few steps in and shut the door, not releasing you in the process.

He began to trail small kisses down your neck. You softly giggled at his actions. You began to leave his embrace but he held you there tightly. A little too tight.

"Stefan?" You asked carefully. Your body made a loud thud as it connected with the wall. A small whimper escaped your lips. Stefan had your arms pinned above your head as he kept kissing your neck.

"Stefan. Let me go." You said coldly. His grip on you tightened. There would definitely be bruising tomorrow, but that wouldn't matter if you're not alive.

"Stefan, now." You demanded. He pulled his head out from the crook of your neck and it was then you noticed his dark eyes and the veins. Your eyes widened and you went to fight against him but he quickly leaned in and pierced your neck.

His hand covered your mouth. His body had gotten even closer to yours to block more of your struggles. You could feel how weak you were getting but that didn't stop you from trying to talk to Stefan.

He suddenly pulled away, very quickly causing you to slightly fall over but you caught yourself. You let yourself slid down the wall as your hand reached up to your neck. You were breathing quickly and rapidly.

Glancing up at Stefan you noticed the fear in his eyes. The realization of what he was doing hitting him, hard. His hand lightly skimmed across his lips. He went to approach you but you flinched lightly.

He slowly inched toward you as he bit into his wrist. He held it up to your mouth and you accepted by taking the metallic liquid into your mouth. You coughed at the taste as he pulled away.

"I'm so sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen." Stefan said quietly as he tugged at his hair lightly. You said nothing. You were terrified. Scared that if you moved, he would attack you again so you held still. His head was down as he crouched in front of you.

"I- please don't be scared of me." He choked out and looked up at you. Your breath hitched at his movement and he took notice. The fear very noticeable. Your heartbeat pounding. Your breathing was shaky. He stood up quickly.

"I'm sorry. I need to leave." He said and sped away. You couldn't believe what just happened. You were shaking in fear. The shock of what happened began to wear off and you stood up.

Now what am I supposed to do? You thought to yourself.

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