27| Damon Salvatore

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You walked into the Grill. You looked around carefully and made your way to the bar. You made sure to not sit near anyone. It was quite late so you ordered a drink. You didn't care what it was you just needed something. The bartender set the drink down and you quickly took a big gulp. You played with the glass before someone took a seat next to you. You glanced over and the man wore a smirk. His eyes a pretty blue and dark black hair. You ignored him and turned your head straight.

"New in town?" He asked. You responded with a head nod.

"This isn't a good town, you know." He spoke again. You were getting quite annoyed at the man beside you.

"At least not for a girl like you." He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You snapped at him.

"Oh she speaks, listen I'm not insulting you. Just don't want you to get hurt." He attempted to flirt.

"I'm a big girl, I can handle myself." You said through gritted teeth. You pulled out a few dollars and placed them on the bar before getting up and walking out of the Grill.

You began walking down the road since you had no car. After walking for a few minutes you heart a noise and you immediately stopped in your tracks. You felt a presence behind you. You quickly reached your hand back and went to chop them in the throat but they grabbed your wrist right before your hand could make contact. You looked at who was behind you. It was the man from the bar.

"You're quick but not quick enough." He said and smirked again before continuing, "But I'm impressed. I'm Damon, Damon Salvatore." He finished and dropped your hand that instantly went to your side. You turned to face him.

"Y/N, Y/N L/N." You said and his smirk turned into a smile.

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