12| Matt Donovan

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You and Matt had been cuddling all day. He called saying he was coming over with junk food and he told you to gather up some movies. He had his arm wrapped around you and your head rested on his shoulder.

He began playing with the hem of your shirt, his fingers would graze across your skin lightly. You shivered at his touch. He took notice of this and chuckled lightly. Next thing you know, he began to tickle your side causing you to burst into laughter. You tried to squirm away from him but he pinned you down onto the couch.

Your laughter filled the air. Tears began to brim in your eyes. He stopped and you panted for breath. You gripped his hands tightly in yours in fear that he would start tickling you again. He wore a smile at the sight of you. You pushed him lightly and he got off of you. You sat up and slapped his arm.

"Don't do it again. I hate being tickled." You said and crossed your arms over your chest and began to pout. He rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around you that you shrugged off. You stood up and moved to the other end of the couch. He laughed at you causing you to glare at him.

"Y/N, babe c'mon. I'm sorry. Forgive me?" He pleaded. He gave you his puppy dog eyes and you couldn't resist so you moved back next to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. He smirked in triumph, knowing you can't resist his puppy dog eyes.

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