41.5 | Klaus Mikaelson

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It's been months since the dreadful moment that Rebekah jammed a stake through your heart. You were stuck watching everyone destroy themselves. You just wanted everyone to be okay and you hadn't realized how important you were in their lives.

You were there when they announced to everyone else what had happened to you. It was only Matt, Jeremy, and Tyler. They weren't there. Stefan was the one who explained what happened. Tyler was confused, Matt was hurt, and Jeremy was angry.

Tyler asked Stefan multiple times to repeat what he said, not realizing how agonizing it was for everyone to hear the story over and over, causing Damon to leave. He went outside to cry in peace and take his sadness out on the wall.

When Tyler finally understood, he sat down. His head in his hands as he let it sink in. Matt was in tears. You understood his dislike towards vampires and why he didn't like you when you first showed up. You kept your distance from him and didn't invade his personal space but when you had came to the grill one night, you guys enjoyed each other's company. You had ordered a drink and he could tell something had made you upset, so he stayed and spoke to you. You appreciated the moment more than you could express. You guys got closer from there but when you saved his life, when you didn't have to, he grew to like you.

Jeremy has had his little crushes on you. They came and went but he's always cared about you but Damon, being Damon, wasn't keen on you being friends with Jeremy. You and Jeremy were best friends, ignoring Damons wishes. You wrestled with each other all the time and teased each other. Made jokes that would seem hurtful but you'd always strike back at each other with something as easily insulting.

Klaus had witch after witch to try and bring you back. Nothing worked. They also weren't even sure if you were there or not. He had his hopes but they were quickly fading. He visits your body every night and every morning. He hopes he'll walk in and you'll no longer be gray but you'll be sat there, awake and well. He hates seeing you laying there, lifeless. Your skin gray and cracked. He gives you a kiss goodnight on the forehead before he tries to go to sleep. The same thing in the morning, he'll give you a small kiss on the forehead before spending the day with a witch trying to get you back.

He was an emotional wreck.

You've been watching Damon drink himself away, so close to turning off his emotions but Stefan keeps an eye. Damon, of course, blamed himself. He regrets every argument he ever starred with you. Anytime he got mad at you. Anytime you felt you couldn't speak to him about something. His heart hurt and he talks to you when no one is home, of course he's taking a shot in the dark.

You know it's unhealthy and you wish he'd stop. He'll pace around your room, bourbon in hand, telling you he's sorry and how much he misses you. He looks back on old memories but then he remembers how horribly he's treated you and it rips his heart apart all over again. He always ends up crying and sometimes he even falls asleep in your bed. Stefan will come home and if he can't find him, he knows he's asleep in your bed.

Damon has even imagined seeing you and the look once he realizes it was his own mind playing tricks on him, that's when he gets angry. When, he think Klaus finally succeeded and he can say everything he wanted to and he can hold you again, just to have you fade away and he's back alone in an empty room.

Stefan hid his own pain. He tried his best to carry himself because everyone didn't know what to do with themselves. He hasn't let himself cry since the day you passed. He's silently hurting which isn't new to him. He's more worried about his brother and everyone around him then himself.

It took Caroline forever to admit you were finally gone. It wasn't until a month later that she accepted it. You understood her the most out of everyone and she knows she'll never have someone like you again. She loved you and all she wants to do is talk about how she's feeling but she can't because it's about you and you're not there.

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