30| Stefan Salvatore

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"I'm tired. I wanna stop walking." You whined. Stefan chuckled and continued walking causing you to groan loudly.

"Listen Y/N, we have to get your hunger under control. You're tired because you're hungry. Just listen for an animal." You sighed and bumped into Stefan, you didn't notice he had stopped walking. He held a finger to his lips and you listened carefully.

You heard soft footsteps and you sped in the direction it came from. Its heartbeat was loud in your ears. You stopped a few feet behind the deer. Stefan was watching behind you but you were to busy eyeing the deer in front of you to notice. The hunger took over and your eyes went dark. The veins under your eyes becoming noticeable.

You launched at the deer. You pierced its neck with your fangs. It collapsed to the ground and tried to fight against you but you wouldn't allow it to run away. It weakened and its struggling began to stop. It soon stopped fighting back and laid lifelessly. You stood and wiped the blood off your chin with the back of your hand. You turned to Stefan.

"Animal blood doesn't taste as good as human blood. Can I use blood bags?" You complained. Stefan rolled his eyes.

"Y/N, you have to stay on animal blood until you can control your hunger around people. You don't wanna attack Matt. Baby steps,
Y/N." He explained softly. You stuck out your bottom lip in a pout and stomped your foot like a toddler.

"Y/N," Stefan warned. You sighed and sped up to Stefan and wrapped your arms around him. He hugged back and rested his head on top of yours.

"Thanks a lot, Stefan. It's a long process and I'm thankful that you're helping me." You said quietly. He smiled and kissed the top of your head.

"Don't worry, you'll get through this. I'll be with you every step of the way. Just never ask Damon for help. He'll mess up the progress you've made. He'll try and take you off animal blood too soon." He said seriously but also joking.

"Don't pull an Elena? No way." You said and sped off with a giggle and he chased after you.

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