35| Kol Mikaelson

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You groaned and picked up your phone, 'Cute Mikaelson' read across the screen. Your annoyance disappeared and you answered the phone happily.

"Hey L'ijah," You greeted.

"Y/N, I'm sorry to disturb you but we need your help with Kol. He's gone on an angry rampage and he's killing innocents." Elijah spoke nervously into the phone. You didn't say anything and just hung up the phone. With a huff, you got up and grabbed your keys.


You pulled up to the bar. Elijah and Rebekah stood outside. You exited your car. Elijah went to speak but you held your hand up and he shut his mouth. You pushed open the door. Bodies were everywhere. People were sitting terrified in corners. Their bodies shaking and hearts pounding in fear. Kol was sucking the life out of some girl. He threw her limp body to the ground. His eyes were dark and the dark veins of hunger under his eyes were prominent.

"Kol, what are you doing?" You asked angrily. His original brown eyes returned and the veins faded away at the sound of your voice. He looked over at you and smirked.

"I'm having fun love. Wanna join?" He said and began to head toward another girl who whimpered and a sob escaped her lips.

You grabbed a nearby chair and broke off the leg. You said nothing as you chucked it at Kol. He quickly caught it and next thing you know it's being dug into your stomach. You gasped at the sudden pain of the wood piercing into you. You looked down and then back up at Kol. His features quickly softened.

"Shit." He muttered and carefully pulled the stake out.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." He said quickly. The wound healed and you examined the hole in your shirt.

"Compel them to forget." You snapped and stomped outside. Elijah gave you a small head nod. Soon Kol had fixed his mess and everyone left well the people who worked there cleaned up. You sat on your car hood and waited. Elijah stayed behind with you but Rebekah left. Elijah sat next to you. Soon Kol came outside.

"So you want to explain to me why you went all angry?" You asked and he lets out a deep sigh.

"Well, Klaus made me angry, so I took it out on innocent people. It's the Kol way." He explained. He was trying to humor you but it wasn't gonna work, not right now.

"Explain how Klaus angered you," Elijah spoke calmly. He was always so much more controlled in these situations. Kol groaned but listened.

"He was talking about you. Not particularly rudely but he was being inappropriate and I couldn't handle it." Kol said in frustration.

"What he means love is how I was speaking of how ravishing you've looked lately. How your curves show perfectly. How your as-"Klaus' voice spoke beside me but was quickly cut off by Kol.

"Shut up Klaus." He said through gritted teeth.

"Overprotecting brother? Or jealous?" Klaus taunted.

You stayed focused on Kol. He was fuming and you were slightly annoyed because you had just calmed him down and here comes Klaus wiling him back up. Klaus wrapped an arm around your shoulder and began playing with the ends of your hair. You had no clue what was going on.

"Don't touch her." Kol spat.

"Who's gonna stop me?" Klaus asked. You could hear the amusement dripping in his voice. Klaus' hand found it's way to your waist and thats when Kol lunged but you shoved him back.

"What the hell is going on?" You yelled and looked between Kol and Klaus. Klaus smirked but Kol stayed angry.

"Just messing around," Klaus said, you went to say something but Kol beat you to it.

"I'm going to kill you." Kol threatened Klaus, making Klaus chuckle at the crazy idea.

"Just tell her and I'll stop," Klaus said and his smirk grew. Kol growled.

Your confusion was growing as the conversation continued. So much was happening and you didn't know what to do but you did need to get to the bottom of it. This was too much.

"Kol, what's going on?" You asked and he looked over at you. He seemed to struggle with his words as his mouth opened and then shut.

"I love you." He said quietly. Klaus left quickly obviously not wanting to stick around. Elijah gave Kol a caring pat on the shoulder before leaving you alone with him. You stood in silence. Kol just stared at you trying to read your expression. A smile appeared on your face.

"Is this funny to you?" Kol asked. He was suddenly in front of you.

"No, well yes, but I love you too." You admitted and he smirked before hungrily connecting his lips to yours.

His hands rested on your hips and yours wrapped around the back of his neck. He pushed you lightly onto the hood of your car. Your hands traveled up to his hair and tugged lightly, causing to him to groan. He then pulled away. Both of you were panting. He stayed hovering over you. He gave you a small peck on the lips. A smile spread across both of your faces.

"Well, my plan obviously worked," Klaus said next to you with a proud grin on his face. Both you and Kol rolled your eyes. Kol chuckled and got off you and helped you off the hood. He then intertwined his hand with yours. This wasn't how you planned this to end but you were happy with it.

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