7| Matt Donovan

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You lunged forward in laughter. You held your stomach in pain. Matt shook his head at you and let out a soft chuckle. You were drunk. Very drunk. It wasn't planned but you just kept drinking and now it was overboard.

"Time to stop Y/N. My shift is gonna end in 5 minutes. I'll drive you home." Matt told you. You nodded and handed him your empty glass. He put it away and began to finish his shift.

You rested your head down on the bar. You were fairly dizzy and had so many things in your head. You started humming a song lightly. A hand touched your arm causing you to sit up.

You smiled at him and he helped you out of the chair. He made sure you didn't fall as you walked out of the bar. You climbed into the passenger seat. He buckled you in and walked around to the drivers' side.


Nothing was said the whole ride. You would just burst into random giggles or laughs. Sometimes singing loudly and obnoxiously to the song playing.

The door on your side opened and you went to lean forward but the seatbelt stopped you. You attempted to press the button but you couldn't really locate it so Matt reached over and unbuckled you.

He didn't give you time to try and walk before he just picked you up bridal style and took you inside. He carried you up the stairs and into your room. You were snuggled into him and gave a protesting whine as he set you down on the bed. He covered you up and began to leave the room but you stopped him.

"I love you, Matt." You slurred. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face you.

"I love you too, Y/N. Now get some sleep." He said and went to walk away again but you wouldn't let him go that easily.

"Please stay." You said a little more clearly. He sighed and shut the door before walking back over to the door. He laid next to you and you rested your head on his chest. He hesitatingly put an arm around you. A smile small crossed your face before you fell asleep.


You woke up to the bright morning light. You yawned and realized your headache. You also realized you were laying on someone. Glancing up at the sleeping person, Matt, you couldn't stop the smile.

You slipped out of his grasp and went downstairs into the kitchen. You grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. You sipped it slowly.

What happened last night?

Matt entered the kitchen. He was still pretty tired. You gave him a smile which he returned.

"What uh- what happened?" You asked a set the glass down. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"You decided to get absolutely hammered and I helped. After it got worse, I made sure you got home okay but you wanted me to stay last night. So I did." Matt explained to you. You mentally punched yourself in the face.

"Did I say anything stupid?" You asked awkwardly, hoping the answer was no. He shook his head and you gave a sigh of relief.

"You were just super giggly. So I put you in bed and you said I love you and t-" Matt started but you cut him off.

"I said I lo- oh god I'm sorry." You stuttered and put your face in your hands.

Matt took a few steps towards you and pulled yours away from your face. He lightly caressed your cheek. Your eyes met his and he smiled. He began to lean in and your breath hitched but he closed the gap between you and his lips collided with yours.

At first, you didn't respond but it didn't take long before you did. Too soon, he pulled away.

"I love you too." He whispered lightly with a big smile. Your heart fluttered at his words and you couldn't suppress the small giggle that escaped your lips.

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