6| Elijah Mikaelson

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"Hey, how's it going?" You asked sitting down next to Elijah. He looked up from his glass. He gave you a smile and you returned it instantly.

"It's going, decent. Excuse me, I need to leave." He said and gave you a smile as he stood up and left. You ordered a drink and decided to spend some time at the bar.


Elijah got home and slammed the door shut. He yelled in frustration. Seeing you was too much. He couldn't look at you without breaking. He couldn't hear your voice because it destroyed him inside.

He threw a lamp across the room. He usually wouldn't get like this. He only gets angry when it's needed. He slammed and threw things around until he collapsed to the floor.

He sobbed and breathed as if he had just run 20 miles with no break. His hand was on his chest as his heart pounded. He was so focused on his pain he didn't hear the door open.

"Elijah." You choked out. You were scared at the scene in front of you. Things were everywhere. Things are broken and destroyed. Although they didn't look as bad as Elijah.

He crumbled more at the sound of your voice and he knew he couldn't look at you without wanting to rip his own heart out. You inched towards him carefully.

"Baby, what did you do?" You cooed as you sat next to him. He looked in the other direction. You didn't know what to do. He had never acted like this.

"What's wrong?" You asked quietly. He squeezed his eyes shut. "Please, talk to me. I hate seeing you like this." You choked out, trying to hold back tears.

"You hate seeing me like this? I'm like this because of you. I don't want to live without you. I can't. I can't look at you without wanting to break and shred apart everything." He spoke quietly and kept his gaze away.

You grabbed his face and turned his head to look at you. Tears streamed down his face. His eyes looked so dull and empty. You opened your mouth to say something but you shut it without a word. You wrapped your arms around him and he attempted to not give in but it failed as he melted into you.

"I love you so much Y/N. Please, please don't leave me." He sobbed. You couldn't fight back the tears anymore and they fell down your face silently.

"Elijah, I still think us not being together is the best choice." You whispered as you played with his hair. He shoved you away and he stood up.

You stayed where you were. His back was to you but he turned. The veins formed under his eyes and he grabbed the nearby chair and threw it at the wall above your head. You shielded yourself from the debris as shards of wood fell.

"Elijah, stop. This isn't you." You choked out and he took no time before pinning you against the wall by your neck. You didn't bother to fight back, the tears just streamed down faster. The veins had disappeared and his eyes back to normal.

"If you don't leave, I'll kill you." He said dully. He turned it off. He dropped you and you caught yourself. You wanted to help him but you didn't know what to do. You walked to the door. You opened the door and there stood Klaus. He saw your stare and gave you a worried look.

He then glanced back at Elijah who stood not too far behind you. His face showed confusing and then realization filled his face. He stood aside so you could leave and you took no time before jogging down the stairs. The door behind you slammed. You heard things being thrown around and yelling.

You sped off quickly not wanting to hear any more. You leaned against a nearby tree and dropped next to it. Your sobs filled the silence and you hugged your knees to your chest. This was all your fault.

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