39| Klaus Mikaelson

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A little smut ahead

You felt a presence next to you which caused you to wake up. You didn't move and kept your eyes shut. You listened carefully for any sound or a sense of movement.

"I know you're awake love. Your breathing is different and your heart is pounding." A familiar voice spoke. You let out a big breath you didn't realize you were holding and turned to face Klaus.

You could see his smirk. You reached over him and turned on the lamp causing him to lightly chuckle under you. You rolled your eyes and lightly hit his arm as you laid back down. He grabbed the back of your upper thigh and pulled you closer to him. His hand trailed up to your hip and played with the hem of your shirt but he kept his eyes locked with yours.

He leaned in and connected his lips with yours. Your lips moved in sync slowly and passionately. His hand moved from your hip down to your ass. His hand slid into your shorts as he squeezed your ass. You gave a small gasp at the sudden action. You could feel him smirk against your lips.

He got on top of you, pinning you to the bed. He began to trail kissed down your jawline, to your neck. He found your sweet spot and began to suck on it, causing you to give a small moan. After he left a love bite he trailed kissed down your stomach but his actions came to a halt when the door opened to your room. You shoved Klaus away and you could see his anger but he remained calm.

"No, no, no. Not my little sister, Klaus." Matt said sternly. Klaus chuckled and stood from your bed. You stayed silent, not wanting attention on you.

"My apologies, quarterback. Although-" Klaus said but you knew to cut him off.

"Klaus." You warned. He turned to look at you, a small smirk on his face before he sighed and rolled his eyes. He sped away, leaving you with Matt.

"Y/N, not him." He said before leaving your room, your door staying open. You groaned and got up from your bed.

"Matt-" You started to defend yourself and Klaus but Matt cut you off.

"No, Y/N. He's bad news. It's final." Matt said and you huffed and sat on the floor. You were angry and upset. You were happy with Klaus. Matt shouldn't be able to dictate who you're with.

"If he makes you happy," Matt yelled from downstairs causing you to squeal happily. You shouted a 'thank you' and several 'I love yous'. You could hear Matt's chuckles from downstairs.

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