26| Klaus Mikaelson

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You approached the bar and took a seat. You glanced around at the men in the bar hoping to just have a one night stand. After Klaus had dumped you for a reason that he wouldn't explain, you had been an emotional wreck. Your friend said you needed to get laid so you took her advice.

You turned to look back around but found a guy a few seats down from you, smirking. You gave him a flirtatious smile, which gave him the confirmation to approach you. He picked up his drink and moved down so he was sitting next to you.

"Hello, what's a pretty lady like you doing here?" He flirted and you tried not to roll your eyes at the horrible line. If Klaus were here and you were still together, this man would be up against the wall by his throat but you gave him a smile and bit your lip.

"Needed a night out. I'm Y/N." You said. He smirked at your response, he was happy he wasn't being turned down.

"I'm Jayden. Maybe we can get out of here? My place?" He introduced himself and you already wanted to punch him. Not only did his name sound like a 15-year-old name, he was already trying to get you home, but you nodded and placed your drink on the counter.

He followed after you and stood up, taking your hand in his. He pulled you out of the bar and you got into his car. You were so used to Klaus opening the car door for you, you didn't know why you were doing this but you intended on going through with it.

Eventually he pulled into a driveway and you pushed open the door and followed him inside. He took no time before heading upstairs as you followed behind him. As soon as you entered the room, he shoved you up against the wall. His lips moved roughly and quickly against yours. His hands gripped your waist and yours were around his neck.

He let go of you to pull off his shirt and you watched intently but your mind recollected and you knew he was wrong. This wasn't what you wanted. You want Klaus. Sleeping with some random stranger isn't gonna change anything besides make you feel guilty and gross at what you've done. He went to kiss you again but you turned your face.

"I can't. I'm sorry. I don't want this." You explained and began to walk away but he roughly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, a small gasp escaped your lips.

"You aren't leaving. You know you want this. C'mon, baby." He said huskily and pushed you back against the wall. You tried to fight against him but he was strong.

He banged your head against the wall and you let out a whimper. He pinned your arms above your head and began kissing down your neck. You tried everything to get him away from you. Your heart was pounding and your breath was fast. You thought about what you could do.

His hand slipped under your dress and you instantly reacted by bringing your knee straight up into his groin. He groaned and dropped to the floor, letting you go. You ran straight to his bathroom and slamming the door. You locked it behind you. You heard his curse words through the door and jumped at him banging on the door.

"You have nowhere to go. Gotta come out sooner or later sweetheart." He yelled through the door. You fumbled for your phone that you had stashed in your bra. You opened the phone trying to ignore the pounding and yelling of the man outside the door. You realized that tears were streaming down your face.

You clicked Klaus' name and the phone began to ring. You found yourself whispering hopes that he would answer. To your luck he did.

"Y/N, why are y- what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He sounded annoyed at first but soon his voice was full of worry. You let out a breath of relief when his voice rang through the phone.

"I-I need you to help me. I don't know where I am. This man- he was gonna rape me. I- Klaus I'm sorry. I don't know w-what to do." You whispered through your sobs into the phone.

"Relax. I'll find you, love. Wait for me." He said quickly and hung up. You gripped the phone tightly into your hands as you sat in the corner and waited for Klaus. The man had stopped banging on the door but you knew he was waiting for you so you didn't dare open the door.

You kept checking the time on your phone. It had been 11 minutes since you called Klaus. You would hear the mans footsteps every once and a while. You heard a loud smash downstairs and you knew it was Klaus. You heard the pounding footsteps up the stairs. The door to the bedroom was ripped off his hinges. You heard the man shout at Klaus and you knew he was either wearing a smirk or had his angry face on.

"Where is Y/N?" Klaus snarled at the man angrily.

"Who the hell are you?" The man spat at him. You knew Klaus was smirking if he wasn't already.

"The person who's about to rip your heart out," Klaus said loudly. You didn't hear the man respond but instead a loud thud and you knew it was the man's body dropping to the floor. A smaller thud following after, his heart.

"Unlock the door, love. It's okay." Klaus whispered from the other side of the doors. You stood up shakily the fear still very present in your body. You unlocked the door and pulled it open.

Klaus stood with his hand held out but you pulled him into a hug and sobbed into his chest. He took no time in wrapping his arms around you. He played with your hair knowing that would help calm you down. He shushed you lightly. Your sobs began to slow down and he didn't let go until they fully came to a halt.

"You're alright, love. He can't hurt you. What happened?" He pulled away and his hands rested on your shoulders. You were embarrassed to explain why but you did anyway.

"My friend told me that I needed to get laid so I got all dressed up and went to a bar. I met the guy and we headed back here and I was gonna go through with this but I couldn't. It wouldn't fix everything. I tried to leave and he wouldn't let me. So, I locked myself in the bathroom. I didn't know who to call. I have no one to call so I called you and I'm sorry that I made you come out here just for me. I know that we br-" You were cut off by lips attaching to yours. You were taken back but soon melted into the kiss. His hands moved to your hips and your wrapped around his neck. He then pulled away.

"Y/N, I broke up with you to try and keep you safe but that apparently did the opposite. I'm sorry. This should have never happened. I love you." He said and rested his forehead against yours. He rubbed some tears away and dragged his thumb lightly across your bottom lip.

"Be mine again?" He asked. You nodded and he smiled and picked you up bridal style before speeding away from the dead man and his home.

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