29| Damon Salvatore

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You were ripped away from the guy you were feeding off of. You watched Damon as he bit into his wrist and held it against the guy's mouth. The veins under your eyes faded and your eye color was back to their normal E/C. You used the back of your hand to wipe away the blood from your lips. After the guy was healed Damon compelled him to forget. Damon turned to you and made "tsk tsk" noises.

"Shut up." You spat at him. You couldn't help but be angry that he pulled your dinner away.

"Y/N, when I say stop, you have to stop." He lectured and stepped closer to you. His hands grabbed your hips and pulled you into him roughly. A beating heart filled your ears and everything around you disappeared. You could hear a faint voice and you ripped away from Damon's grip and sped toward the beating heart.

A teenage girl was walking down the side of the road. She was silently crying. Your human emotions took over and the hunger faded.

"Are you okay?" You asked the girl and took a step forward. She gasped and turned quickly to face you. Tears streamed down her face. She shook her head and you approached carefully. You hugged her tightly and she practically fell into you.

Her heartbeat flooded back into your ears. The blood running through her veins was loud. You tried your hardest to fight back but you failed miserably as you sunk your teeth into her neck. She let out an ear piercing scream and tried to pull away but your grip on her was bone tight. Her screams turned into small whimpers. She stopped fighting back and slumped into your arms.

"You're gonna kill her." Damons voice said but you ignored it and continued draining the unconscious girl in your arms. You ignored the voice in the back of your head begging you to stop.

"You'll regret this Y/N. You need to stop." You finally listened and pulled away from the girl. You set her pale limp body on the ground.

"Go home. I'll handle this." Damon said sternly but with care. You took no time in speeding away from the horrible scene.

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