28| Elijah Mikaelson

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"Y/N, correct?" A voice next to you asked. You looked at the person next to you. They didn't look familiar but you nodded. He gave a smile and you furrowed your eyebrows at him.

"Sorry, I'm Elijah." He said and grabbed your hand, kissing the top. You rolled your eyes at the gesture. You've heard about him from Stefan and Damon. Caroline talked to you about Klaus.

"I've heard about you. You're the nicer Mikaelson. I've heard a lot about Klaus. Rebekah about the same. Heard that Kol is an ass." You explained and gave him a snotty smile. He glanced back and you followed his gaze. There stood a group of three. You took a guess at who they were.

"What do you guys want?" You asked and looked at Elijah. He sighed.

"Let's not make a scene love. Join us outside." A different voice said behind you. You nodded and they left the bar and went outside. You finished your drink and set the glass down.

You pushed open the door. They all stood there. Klaus wore a smirk. You sped up and snapped Rebekah's neck. Klaus grabbed you by your shirt and threw you across the parking lot. You got up quickly and Kol stood in front of you.

"Kol, correct?" You asked, imitating Elijah's greeting. You let your fangs out and Kol followed.

You lunged at him. You wrestled around. Punches being thrown and constantly changing positions. He had eventually gotten you pinned. You struggled against his grip but him being an original, you were stuck.

"Damon was right. You're an ass." You spit at him. He smirked and then snapped your neck. Making you unconscious.


You could already feel the burning from the vervain ropes. You kept your eyes shut and listened closely to your surroundings. The footsteps of two people entering the room filled your ears.

"She still isn't up?" Kol's voice spoke. Your eyes snapped open in pain as a stake was driven through your stomach. You knew not to give the satisfaction of your screams. Your breath was fast and heavy. Kol stood in front of you. You kept an angry glare on him.

"She's up. Now we have to get that vervain out of your system." Kol said a picked up a blade.

He cut straight down your arm. You let out a whimper which gave him satisfaction. As soon as it healed he did the same thing but deeper. This continued on until you were tired and couldn't hold your head up any longer. Kol and Klaus decided to give you a break so you were currently alone. You heard footsteps coming closer and internally groaned. You picked your head up. Elijah stood a few feet in front of you.

He held a blood bag which you stared at in hunger. He placed it down on the nearby table and made his way towards you. You watched him as he began to untie the ropes. He ignored the slight sting he got from the vervain. He caught you before you could collide with the cold hardwood floor. You were too weak to try and fight back.

He helped you walk over the small table. He picked up the blood bag in his hands and you couldn't help but let your mouth water for it. He held it out to you and you just stared at it.

"If you don't want it, I'll just tie you back up and let Klaus eventually kill you." He stated and you took no time before ripping the blood bag from his hands and drinking from the blood bag. When you could finally stand on your own, Elijah let go of you. You squeezed the last of the metallic tasting contents out of the bag. You tossed it back into the table. A sudden burst through the door scared you. You looked up at an angry Damon and Stefan.

"Go. Klaus will be back soon. You don't want to be here when he does." Elijah said and picked up your hand, sliding your daylight ring onto your finger.

"Why are you helping? We don't have a deal or anything." You said curiously as you inched toward Damon and Stefan. Damon held his hand out when he noticed you slowly making your way towards him.

"We don't have a deal and I have no time to explain. If you don't leave now, Klaus will beat you." He said a little louder. You grabbed Damon's hand and sped out.


"I don't know why Damon. Stop asking." You whined at Damon. He had been pestering you all day. He was nonstop asking about Elijah and you were getting annoyed. He went to snap at you but a knock on the door had stopped him. You went to answer it but Damon shoved you back down onto the couch. He inched carefully and pulled the door open. Elijah stood there. Damon automatically got defensive.

"What are you doing here?" Damon asked through gritted teeth.

"To explain." He said simply. Damon looked back at you and you gave him a simple head nod. Damon stepped aside and Elijah entered. Damon shut the door behind him, but not before checking that no one else was outside.

"Listen Y/N, my intentions were never bad when I approached you. I didn't know what Klaus had planned. I was just asking conversation. Klaus interrupted, truthfully. I find you interesting. I'll try my best to not let Klaus kill you." He explains. Damon obviously didn't believe any word he said.

"Just because you find me interesting, you're gonna protect me from Klaus? That doesn't make any sense." You argued.

He sighed. You could tell he was hiding something. You motioned Damon to leave. He rolled his eyes but obliged. You made your way to the kitchen, Elijah following. You turned on the water so Damon couldn't listen in.

"Now explain, Damon can't hear you." You stared and crossed your arms over your chest. He sighed lightly and adjusted his tie.

"I fancy you, that's why I helped you. I do find you interesting and I will protect you from Klaus." He explained. He seemed less tense and relaxed. You couldn't stop the small smile that crept onto your face.

"So when are you gonna ask me on a date?" You asked and he finally smiled.

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