51| Elijah Mikaelson

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Elijah had been reading all day, you had tried to start a conversation but he somehow finds his way out of it and you're left sitting in silence and there was nothing to do on your phone. So you hopped to your feet and started dancing stupidly around the room, not really caring.

Elijah glanced up from his book and watched you as he attempted to hide the amusement in his face. You started dancing sexually but also jokingly. He covered up a chuckle.

"There's no music, love." He said and closed his book. You shrugged and continued dancing. He didn't hide his chuckle this time and just continued watching you dance around to nothing.

You had closed your eyes at this point as you twirled around and when you opened them he was standing in front of you, a smile on his face. A soft giggle left your lips in surprise.

He held his hand out to you which you happily took but to your surprise, he spun you around and into his arms. He began to lowly hum and slow dance with you. You rested your head against his chest and shut your eyes, enjoying the moment.

You lost track of the time and didn't realize how long you guys had been dancing when he pulled away.

"You are so lovely. Thank you." He whispered, looking at you lovingly.

"Thank you for what?" You questioned.

"For being my peace at the end of the day." He said. He leaned down slightly to place a soft kiss against your forehead.

Although you had tons you wanted to say, you chose not to. You felt as if it might ruin the moment. The comfort you both felt being with each other and in each other's arms.

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