4| Damon Salvatore

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You were sitting at the bar talking to Matt. It was morning so no one was really drinking but you were and Damon had his bourbon in his hand but he was talking with Stefan at an actual table.

You weren't really bothering to listen in on their conversation so you just kinda blocked them out. Probably about Elena or defeating Klaus. You know, same old same old.

Damon sat down next to you with his signature smirk. You just stared at him wondering what he was up to.

"Hello, I'm Damon, and who might you be?" He introduced himself as if it was his first time meeting you. Matt eventually wandered off because well Damon hated him.

"Damon we've been friends for almost 2 years. What are you doing?" You questioned.

"I don't believe we have met." He said. He sounded so convinced. You decided to play along to his little game.

"I'm Y/N." You said with a smile. His smirk left when he took a sip of bourbon. Then as soon as his eyes landed back on yours the smirk reappeared.

"You know this town is a little dangerous. Definitely not a place for a girl like you." He turned towards you slightly.

"What's that suppose to mean? A girl like me? You don't seem so big and bad yourself you know." You now turned to him. Your knees touching.

"I didn't mean it like that. You're just too beautiful. I may not seem big and bad but you don't know me." He said and leaned forward slightly. You laughed lightly at his compliment and shook your head at him.

"Okay Damon, what are you doing?" You asked, quitting the act. He sighed and finished off his bourbon.

Without a warning or a sigh, Damon's lips were on yours. You didn't respond at first but you soon melted into him. Your lips moving in sync. You went to pull away but he hooked his two index fingers in your belt loops.

He then pulled away and you were lost for words. Your mouth opened like you were going to say something but it shut without a word. Damon had a smirk.

"Would you like to go on a date with me? I know we just met and all.." You slapped his arm playfully and he chuckled. You rolled your eyes because he kept up his act.

"Yes." You said and Damon's smirk turned into a smile.

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