16| Stefan Salvatore

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"Y/N, please c'mon. It'll be fun. We need a break. Some time away from all this madness." Stefan pleaded as you walked away. You shook your head and turned to face him. He rested his hands on your hips.

"I don't like camping. I don't like sleeping on the uncomfortable ground. I don't like the weird sounds or the stupid crickets chirping. I don't like the creepy feeling I get." You whined and stomped your foot like a toddler.

"Sweetheart, I'll be there. Please?" He kissed the tip of your nose. You thought for a second and sighed before nodding. He smirked triumphantly and rushed upstairs to pack.

You groaned and walked loudly up the stairs to pack. As soon as you entered the room, Stefan stood there with his bag and yours. He had already packed earlier. He gave you an innocent smile before picking up the keys.

You headed down the stairs and into the passenger seat of the car. Stefan gave you full use of the radio since you had agreed to go camping. You blared Y/F/S through the speakers. You were singing quietly well Stefan lip synced having listened to this song with you over 20 times he knows all the words.

You pulled over to a random spot. He didn't want to stop at an actual campsite. You both got out of the car and grabbed your bags from the back. He grabbed another two bags and he wouldn't let you carry one of them.

You have been walking for about 30 minutes before he finally stops and drops everything in his hands. You set your bag in the pile and he pulls out the tent that you would help set up but you don't really know how so instead you decided to find some things to make a little fireplace. You wandered off but not before telling Stefan you were.

You walked around and gathered medium sizes rocks. You stayed close before venturing out a little farther when you couldn't spot anymore. You watched a bunny run out from a bush. I would run too if I was a little animal with Stefan around. You thought.

You gathered the last of the rocks and returned the way you came. The tent was almost up so you began to make a circle with the rocks you had collected. After Stefan had finished he went to look for wood. He didn't use his speed because it wasn't needed and this trip was to get away from the vampire drama.

He had to make a few trips before we had enough wood to last. You had already set up wood in the fire pit and now you just had to light it. It was now getting dark and cold so it's the perfect time. You had gotten some perfect weeds that weren't wet that helped with lighting fires. Thank you survival shows.

Stefan had brought matches. Are matches cheating? You asked yourself but you truly didn't care. You were starting to get cold. The fire began and you blew on the weeds you had gotten to keep the flame going and soon a few sticks caught on fire and tada.

Stefan pulled out a blanket and sat down, patting the seat next to him. You stood up and placed yourself down next to Stefan. He wrapped an arm around you. You watched the fire crackle and pop in front of you. Stefan moved to reach for the bag which he pulled over in front of him.

He pulled out chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows. Your eyes lit up at the food. A smile on your face at the idea of eating s'mores. Something you haven't had in a while due to the drama. He grabbed two sticks from the pile and handed you one.

You eagerly ripped open the bag of marshmallows sliding it into the stick. Stefan laughed at you but you were too excited. You held the marshmallow over the fire, twisting it when it began to smoke. When the whole marshmallow was golden brown you retracted the stick. Stefan handed you a graham cracker with chocolate on it. You laid the marshmallow on the graham cracker and Stefan handed you another graham cracker. You carefully pulled the marshmallow from the stick using the crackers.

The chocolate had already begun to melt so you didn't wait before biting into it. A small moan escaped your lips as the food filled your mouth. Stefan turned to look at you, not looking at his roasting marshmallow. You smiled innocently at him.

Your eyes widened at the sudden burst of flames surrounding Stefan's marshmallow. You burst into laughter as he tried to blow out the flames. When he successfully did so he simply ate the marshmallow from the stick. You rolled your eyes at him and he grabbed your face and kissed you. His sticky lips met your non-sticky ones as you eat without trying to get it all over you.

"Stefan no." You said and pushed him away with a giggle. He fake pouted and gave you his puppy dog eyes. You sighed and leaned in to give him a peck on the lips. He smiled and began to cook another marshmallow and you did the same.


You woke up with a yawn and a stretch. You turned to face Stefan who was already awake and staring at you.

"Creep." You said tiredly. He chuckled.

"How am I a creep for staring at my lovely and beautiful girlfriend?" He cooed and wrapped his arms around you.

"I had fun. We should do this again." You said in a quiet happy tone.

"I'm glad you did sweetheart. Let's pack up and head home. Make sure Damon hasn't done anything stupid." He said and got up leaving you laying on the hard ground.

You groaned and got up. Everything was already packed besides the blankets and the tent. You helped Stefan take down the tent after clearing it out. He carried everything back to the car and you fell asleep in the passenger seat on the way home.

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