58| Stefan Salvatore

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You and Stefan had a super long day. Several supernatural drama as always and you were in the center of it. Both of you were severely exhausted. So as soon as you got home you both went straight to bed and you were out in almost an instant but Stefan couldn't fall asleep.

"Please don't ever leave me. Not for Damon, not for anyone. I couldn't bare to lose you. I love you too much to not have you in my arms every night. I want you to be mine forever." Stefan said as he looked at your sleeping body. Your chest slowly rising and falling, indicating you were in fact asleep and you heard nothing he said.

He was so worried. Anything could go wrong. You were a human which made you more vulnerable. He hated taking you out to help fight off whoever was trying to kill them this time. He hated putting you in dangers way. He's thought about leaving to save you but he knew you wouldn't accept that.

You refused to leave his side, often comparing yourself to a lost puppy. You did everything he did. Which of course he can't stand sometimes because it means you purposely put yourself in scary situations that could kill you. You'd do anything for him and he knows that. He knows that includes dying and that scares him.

He's never truly experienced a love like this.

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