5| Kol Mikaelson

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"I'm done with relationships." You said and sat down on Kol's lap. He rolled his eyes and chuckled at you. He snaked an arm around your waist as you leaned into him.

"You said that last week love." He said. You sighed and threw yourself off of him onto the couch. You threw your feet onto his lap and he rested his hand on your leg.

"I'm gonna get a bunch of cats and buy non stop chocolate ice cream." You decided as you stared up at the ceiling. You could not get a relationship to save your life. You go on a date at least once a week and they either leave or you do.

"No. You're not gonna torture cats with your self-pity and sadness," Kol said. You scoffed and sat up to punch him in the arm. He laughed at you.

"Thank you for noticing I'm not happy." You said slightly joking but slightly not. Kol took notice and pulled you up and into his side. You nuzzled your head into his chest and he had his arms wrapped around you.

"Don't worry darling. You'll be happy eventually." He said quietly and kissed the top of your head.

You sat like this for a while. You had been dating to try and overcome your feelings for Kol but it wasn't working. You know how you could be happy but Kol sends mixed signals and you're not completely sure if he feels the same.

You heard a soft snore and you sat up carefully. Kol had fallen asleep. His lips slightly parted and he looked peaceful. You sighed lightly and stood up. You grabbed a blanket and tossed it over him, not that he really needed it, but the thought counts.

You stood there for a moment just watching him. A small smile crept onto your face.

"I love you." You whispered and headed upstairs to your room. You plopped down on your bed and wrapped yourself in the blankets. You sat in the silence and let the thoughts consume you.

Maybe getting a cat would be a good idea. I would be less lonely and I'm home often so I can always take care of it. Cats are cute. Kol is cute. I'll get a car and name it Kol. That would make things worse. I'm so stupid.

An arm wrapped around you, pulling you from your thoughts and causing you to jump.

"Sorry," Kol whispered in your ear. His hand rested on your hip. You had closed your eyes. Your breath was quickening at his touch.

"Relax love. It's just me." He whispered again. You couldn't calm down. You didn't know what to do. He was so close. You felt his lips against your neck and your breath hitched. He let out a deep chuckle.

"I love the reactions I get from you, just from my touch. When I lightly rub my finger down your arm. Or I graze my hand against yours. Your heart speeds up and you tense up. You lose your breath." He said in a husky voice as his hand trailed down your thigh.

You let out a big breath. It came out shaky. His hand was now on your inner thigh. He was slowly trailing his hand up higher. You finally turned to face him causing his hand to move to your hip.

Your eyes bounced to his lips. He took notice and looked down at yours. A smirk pulled at his lips as he began to lean in. Your lips grazed against his and neither of you did anything. You stayed for a minute.

"I love you too." He said against your lips before attaching his to yours hungrily. Your lips moved in sync and you moved so you were on top of him. Your legs straddled his hips. He licked your bottom lip and you granted an entry. Your tongues fought for dominance. As soon as his tongue won dominance he flipped you over so he was on top. His hands roamed everywhere and you couldn't help but think this was a dream but it wasn't. It was very real.

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