She's Different

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Requested by lostgirlrak71

Third person POV

The teenagers boots crunched the dirt and leaves underfoot, the forest cowering back in fear of his very presence. His eyes glazed over the trees, the rocks and roots that he knew would guide him to where he wanted to get. He knew every single bit of NeverLand, knowing every turn and corner, knowing all the stars by their names.

His feet lead him to the edge of the dark jungle, leading him to the beach. It was safe to say he was angry. Pan had shown mercy to the mermaids in the island's waters, but they had once again over stepped their boundaries. He used a shell to summon them. Knowing they were completely aware of his rage only angered him further. They had nearly killed one of the boys while he was out fetching water and if there were not other lost boys near to help him, he would had been drowned.

"Hello, Peter." The sweet sounding feminine voice coming from the water made him ball his fists, shooting a nasty glare at the mermaid who spoke. She wore a fake smile, her cheerful voice teasing and infuriating him.

"You know exactly why I'm here. Where's your little fish King?" He spat.

"Why does it matter, Peter?"

"Just play with us." Then suddenly, one of the mermaids jumped out of the water, grabbing onto Pans leg. As hard she alone tried to pull him into the water, he wouldn't budge. He simply kicked her away, but two of the other barbaric mermaids threw themselves at him. The force was sudden and strong, causing him to loose his balance, but that was all it took. He fell into the water, one of the mermaids scratching his face with her claw like finger nails, inserting a deadly poison into his cheek that ran through all dark mermaids veins.

But suddenly, they all let him go. Yet before he could take time to get himself out of this mess, he felt another one of the creators grab him, wrapping her small arm around his torso. Pan could sense something about this girl though, and right when he thought he was going to pass out, the girl kicked her tail as fast as she could, flying the both of them to the shore. Pan landed on the ground with a groan, the mermaid falling onto of him.

His vision slowly cleared, and he gasped at the sight before him.

Her long wet blonde hair fell onto her shoulders, framing her slim, yet slightly round face. She had the most blue eyes he had ever seen in his life, they were overflowing with worry. She noticed the cut on Pans cheek, staring down at it before softly running her fingers over it, using what little magic mermaids contained to remove the poison.

A whistle sounded through the air and the girl instantly slide off him, jumping back into the water where the Mermaids and the 'fish King' as Pan put it, were waiting.

Pan quickly stood up, brushing his wet hair away from his eyes. He eyed the merman with hatred burning in his eyes, but his gaze shifted back to the girl who saved him, softening his hateful glare.

And after a long argument, the mermaids knew their place...


Pan had quickly recovered after winning the fight with the mermaids, yet laid low for a few days, and was currently at training with the boys, but he kept hearing something. It nearly sounded like a cry. He excused the boys, heading off into the forest to find the source of the sound. He followed the childish sob until he reached one of the darkest parts of the jungle. The cry grew louder and louder, and when his eyes first saw the sight before him, he was stunned.

The mermaid that saved his life, in a pit of water leading to the ocean, with her hands chained above her head.

When she saw him, her eyes widened slightly, but she couldn't speak. The lack of water was getting to her, seeing as the pit just lapped over her chest. Pan furrowed his eyebrows on his forehead, and slowly, as if not to scare her, walked over to where she was bound, his muscles tense, his countless years of hunting allowing him to move without making a sound.

Pan sat down and crossed his legs, staring at the creature, deciding what to do. He saw her inability to breathe properly, and with a flick of his wrists, the chains unlocked, freeing the mermaid. She dove under the water, staying under so long that Pan thought she was gone, but suddenly her head and shoulders popped up above the water once more. She was panting uncontrollably, looking up to Pan with admiration.

"Th-thank you." Her voice was so smooth, yet shaking at the same time. Pan nodded in response, folding his hands over his lap, watching her swim closer to the edge of the land.

"Why were you chained up?" He asked, rather forwardly.

"I-it was a punishment."

"A punishment for what?" Pan was very interested in this girl, and he had been since the moment he first laid eyes on her. Her beauty was mesmerizing, her voice was soft, and her calm spirit was beautiful to him.

"Well, I-I." She paused, tucking a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I saved you, and we were given orders to k-kill you, but I just couldn't let you die." Pans eyes widened, his fists clenching at the thought of the merman king giving orders to kill him, but also the thought of him punishing this innocent girl.

"Well, your free now. You save my life, I save yours. Your free to go home."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." She whispered, slightly afraid to tell him anything. He was still Peter Pan, but she never believed he was as terrible as every mermaid and merman were told.

"Why?" He asked nonchalantly.

"The King saw what I did as traitorous, that-that what I did was punishable by d-death." The words tasted like vinegar coming out of her mouth. She saw Pans mind slowly putting everything together.

"Th-they left you out here to die. If they find you, they'll kill you." He muttered, more assuring himself than speaking to her, but she nodded her head in response. He sat there for a moment, pounder over what to do, but a thought suddenly came to his mind.

Pan quickly stood up, but still leaning down over the pool. The mermaid stared at him in confusion. He held out his hand, which only confused her further.

"Come with me." He whispered, his voice filled with adventure, eyes glazed over with mischief.


"I can make you human, you can escape your world. Come with me, and we will never, never, have to worry about grownup things again." Her hand slowly reached for his, a small smile lining her pink lips.

"Never is an awfully long time."

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