His Weakness

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Requested by xXQueen_of_ThievesXx

I've been on NeverLand for a few months now, and I've really enjoyed my time here. Most of the boys treat me like their sister, though some of them do try to flirt with me sometimes, but after all, I am the only girl on the island. The only thing I'm scared of, is Pan. He's always watching me and most of the time, he never lets me do anything just because I'm a girl.
"Hey guys." I jog up to Felix, Slightly, and Devin who are gathering fire wood.
"Hey y/n." They all say in unison.
"You guys need some help?"
"Actually, that would be great. Then we don't have to make two trips." I smile and pick up a pile of wood as the 4 of us walk through the woods, laughing and telling cheesy jokes.
"How bout this one I heard from one of the new lost boys. Hey girl, are you a library book, cuz I'm checking you out." Devin says. We all laugh at the incredibly dumb pick lines we've all heard. Right as we walk into the camp, we hear someone clear their voice from behind us, so we all turn around only to see one pretty angry looking Peter Pan.
"Y/n. My tent. Now."  I drop the wood by the fire pit and follow Pan into his tent, knowing by the tone in his voice this was about to turn into an argument.
"Yes, Pan?"
"Don't play innocent with me y/n!"
"What did I do this time?!"
"I've had enough of you flirting with my lost boys and being a distraction!" I scrunch my eyebrows at him.
"Since when is talking is another human being flirting?!"
"Don't you raise your voice at me y/n! Your already in deep trouble, missy."
"What is your problem Peter?!" His eyes darken when I say his name, but I don't care. I've already said it, no backing down now.
"My problem is that your causing problems!"
"I haven't done anything!" He comes closer to me, backing me into the wall.
"Stop. Flirting. With. Them."
"I'M NOT!!!"
"You are impossible y/n!"
"Your one to talk! You know what, I'm done." I shove him off me. He tried to grab my hand, but I yank it back.
"Don't follow me!" The lost boys stare at me as I leave the camp in a blazing storm.

Taking a walk usually helps me clear my mind. I've enjoyed every moment I have alone here, because of my duties and chores at the camp and Pan constantly watching me, I'm rarely alone. I stumble across a large cave.
"Can't hurt to look around." I mumble to myself. As I enter to cave, it just seems like a gigantic circle, but once I make my way to the center, the floor surrounding the me falls down, leaving me standing on a few feet of rock that dangles over a bottomless pit.
"Peter!!!" Crap. Did I really just yell for his help? Great. He suddenly appears on the rocks bordering the outside.
"What have you done y/n?"
"I'm sorry okay? Can't you just poof us back to camp now?"
"I-I can't." My face falls and fear takes over my eyes. "W-what do you mean you can't?"
"This is echo caves, I can't get you out without admitting my darkest secrets."
"Great. So I'm stuck here."
"Even though you don't believe it, y/n, I'd do anything for you." A small pice of a bridge unfolds in front of him.
"See." Wow. He would do anything for me, otherwise that wouldn't have worked.
"Let's just get this over with. I-I'm dying."
"Without the heart of the trust eat believer, I, along with all of NeverLands Magic, will die."
More of the bridge unfolds, forcing him to say more.
"Y/n, I-I can't stand the thought of you flirting with the boys and your right, you weren't. But the truth is, I was jealous. I want to be the one to make you smile and laugh like that. Ever since you got here, I'd find myself happier, even if we do fight sometimes. I've been denying this, but I know it's true. I-I care about you y/n. And it-its more than that. Your my weakness. And... I-I love you." The last bit of the bridge unfolds and Peter runs to me, scooping me up in a hug.
"I'm so sorry for yelling at you. I just get so jealous that I-"
"Shhh. Peter, it's okay. By the way." I plant a small kiss on his lips and pull back with a smile.
"I love you too." He pushed his lips against mine again, this time making it last longer and making it deeper. He pulls me closer by my hips and I tangle my fingers in his messy brown hair. He breaks the kiss with a smirk, making me giggle.
"If you do have a weakness, I'm honored to be it."

Hey guys!!! Please request by messaging or commenting. I'm having so much fun writing these! Hope you enjoyed that one! Luv ya!

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