I Knew Someone Loved Me

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Okay. So this imagine was supposed to be a really cool Pan x Reader imagine, but I got inspiration for a flashback with Regina and I just had to use the idea. I'm honestly considering using this flashback for a book I'm currently writing, but that book is a Pan fan fic.


But it will also kinda be a Regina imagine because Regina is my queen and she slays my life.

Also, funny side note. My sister, Caroline's favorite character on ONCE is Regina and her favorite teachers name is Amy. So she begged me to change the name from Y/N to Caroline. 😂

Anyways. ENJOY!!!!

Third Person POV

Caroline and her little brother, Henry ran through the NeverLand Forest as fast as possible. They had been kidnapped by Greg and Tamara, pawns in Pans game. Caroline knew they couldn't run forever, but she was determined to get her brother to safety.


Caroline sat at the end of her bed, her arms wrapped around her waist. She wondered the same thing as all the children who lived in the foster home with her...

Why would my parents give me away?

She didn't understand why she wasn't good enough for them, why they left her. She just wanted a family. She wanted, she craved love merely because she had never felt it. Caroline was 6 years old and had never had a family.

Until one day that all changed...

"Caroline, someone is here to meet you." Amy, the owner of the foster home said, opening Caroline's door. The little girls head shot up abruptly. She smoothed down her t-shirt as she jumped off her bed and followed Amy into her office.

There, sat a woman with a baby in her arms. She was quite beautiful to Caroline. Her short brown hair, kind brown eyes, and a warm smile crossed her features when Caroline entered the room.

"Caroline." Said Amy. "This is Regina Mills. She's going to adopt you." Regina placed her baby boy down in his carrier and kneeled down to Caroline's petite height.

"You gonna be my mommy?" Caroline asked, smiling wider than she thought was possible. Regina laughed slightly, her brown orbs sparkling with tears.

"Yes dear! And you'll even have a brother. His name is Henry." She smiled. Caroline gasped, looking over Regina's shoulder at her new baby brother. Without thinking, she jumped into Regina's arms.

"I knew someone loved me." Caroline whispered. Her words broke Regina's heart and she whispered back,

"I always will."

Flashback over

Caroline could heard the lost boys getting closer, making her bound hands push Henry forward slightly. Unfortunately for the pair of them, Henry's foot was caught under a root. Before Caroline even had time to react, a hand reached out of the bushes and grabbed Henry.

"Come on!" The boy said, pulling Caroline's bound arms. The three of them ducked down, waiting for the lost boys to pass them before they spoke.

"Thanks." Henry whispered.

"Pan and his forces are in tune with every grain of sand on the island. We must be careful." The boy said, cutting the zip tie off Henry's wrists. When he moved to do the same for Caroline, she yanked her wrists away.

"What do you mean we?" She snapped, glaring dagger at the green eyed boy. Henry nudged her shoulder, trying to snap her out of it. Yet she wouldn't pay him any mind. There was something that seemed off about the boy, a feeling Caroline couldn't shake off.

"I mean I'm going to help you." He grabbed her wrists, cutting her free with the same sharp rock he used to free Henry's bruised wrists.

"We don't need your help." Caroline snapped back. Henry pulled her down by her shoulder so he could whisper to her.

"What are you doing, C?" He asked her, calling her by her nickname her gave her as a baby. He couldn't pronounce her name at first and the nickname just stuck.

"I don't trust you." She growled, ignoring Henry.

"And you're not wrong to have disbelief in him!" A voice called from the bushes. Regina, Emma, her parents, and dashing pirate all ran into the clearing, weapons drawn and aimed at the boy.

"Well well, if it isn't the evil queen and her merry bunch." The stranger replied with a smirk. Caroline saw the look on the boy's face, instantly shoving Henry towards his moms. The boy grabbed her, pulling her over to him and pressing a knife that was hidden under his cloak against her neck.

"Let my daughter go!" Her mother yelled, coming closer. The boy pushed the knife further into her neck.

"Careful there, Queenie. Such a delicate neck. I'd hate for something..." He pressed the knife harder, the tip digging into her skin. A thin trail of blood ran down her neck as she hissed in pain. "Bad to happen." The boy finished his sentence with a throaty chuckle, smirking at Regina's burning red face.

"Get. Your hands. Off. My. Daughter!" She screamed, flicking her wrist violently at the boy. He was thrown against a tree, his head smacking the trunk. The demented teenager passed out, making Caroline fall forwards.

Regina was quick to run to her, sliding down on her knees as she wrapped her arms around her daughter for the first time in days. Caroline's heart fluttered with joy while Regina's ached with sorrow that she couldn't have stopped it sooner.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault!" Regina cried, her voice cracking.

"No." Caroline shook her head. "You found us. You found me. I knew someone loved me." Regina squeezed Caroline, holding onto her like she would disappear.

"I always will."


Not gonna lie, I'm in love with this mother daughter relationship. I wish Regina had a daughter too. She is honestly one of the best people on the show. And let's be honest, the evil queen is like... BOOM and BAM all in one.


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