A Mother

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Requested by my friend Macrina

Third person POV


Peter sat at her window, watching her as she sat in her bed, reading her book. He admired the way her eyes sparkled, the way her hair fell upon her shoulders. To him, she was effortlessly beautiful. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. He had visited her window often, watching her and watching over her.

Peter was lonely. He had his boys, but he needed something more. He needed happiness, companionship, love. He needed love. Though the green eyed boy thought no one could ever love him, but just maybe if anyone one could, it would be her. Y/N.

When darkness covered the sky, apart from the moon and stars, Peter slowly opened her window, knowing it would be unlocked. Many nights, Y/N would unlock her window, watching the stars. She would even fall asleep sitting next to her window, but Peter would always carry her to bed, making sure she was safe before he went back to NeverLand.

Peter quietly crept into her room, leaning over her bed as she slept. He looked at her face, smiling at her soft feminine features. He couldn't think of anything more beautiful. Slowly, he picked her up, making sure she was still warmly wrapped up in her blanket.

"Please...please love me..." He whispered, jumping out the window with her in his arms as he flew to the second star to the right.


Y/N groaned, slowly opening her eyes. Immediately, she recognized the fact that she was not in her bed in her room. She sat up abruptly, looking around the dark forest. She slowly looked down, finding herself laying in a soft bed of flower pedals. 

Peter was watching her from behind a tree, making sure to stay undetected as he watched Y/N stand up. He slowly stepped forward, taking a quiet deep breath. This was it. The first time she would ever see him. 

Y/N gasped, hearing foot steps coming closer to her. She turned around abruptly, her eyes landing on the green eyed boy. He stared at her, wondering what she was thinking. He didn't want to frighten her, but he didn't know what to say. 

"Who are you?" Y/N asked, her voice soft, shaking slightly in fear. Peter held up his hands in surrender, telling her he meant no harm. He would never harm her. After all the many times he had watched her, he had fallen in love with her. The boy, who thought of himself as a demon, had fallen desperately in love with an angel. 

"I'm Peter. Peter Pan. Welcome to NeverLand." He said smoothly, though his heart was pounding. He bowed to her charmingly, giving her a small smile. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, but curtsied back to him, smiling as she looked at his emerald green eyes. 

"I've dreamed about a place called NeverLand. With magic, where the children never have to grow up. Is this the fascinating Land I dreamt of?" She asked him, to which he replied with a sharp nod. 

"You are quite the clever girl." He said honestly, taking a few steps closer to her when he saw she wasn't afraid of him. 

"NeverLand is a place where anything can happen. If you can dream it, it can be done. We stay young forever. It's wonderful, but it can get rather lonely without a mother." Peter said, completely truthful. Y/N furrowed her brows once more, tilting her head as she stared at him. 

"No mother? Surly there must at least be a few girls." She said, but he only shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. He wouldn't lie to her, but he was so afraid that she would leave him, break his heart like everyone else had. It had been centuries since he was in love, but he had tried time after time to bring a girl to the island to be a mother for the boys, but none of them stayed. None of them ever gave Peter a chance. 

"I'm afraid no one is willing to care for my boys and I, but to be fair, we are quite the handful." Peter chuckled at his own words, making Y/N smile. 

"I wish that one day, someone would be a mother for my boys. There are several of us, but one girl is worth more than twenty boys. Especially one as beautiful as you." He said, making Y/N blush madly. 

"Do you really mean that you and your boys stay here all alone?" She asked, looking around the forest. She shrugged her shoulders, looking back at Peter. She took a single step closer, giving him a bright, genuine smile. 

"Perhaps all you need is someone who will really care about you all..." Y/N said. Peter didn't trust himself with words, afraid he would embarrass himself. He simply nodded, smiling back down at the girl. 

"NeverLand would be complete with a mother, if one were interested." He said, hoping she would say yes. She pondered on it for a moment before she slowly nodded. 

"Yes. 'One' is interested." She said, clearly referring to herself. Peter smiled, his heart fluttering inside his chest. She didn't know how much he loved her, but he truly did. He didn't know how one girl could make him, Peter Pan, the most ruthless, black hearted scoundrel in all the lands, turn into a blushing mess. 

"Then the lost boys shall meet their new Mother, and NeverLand shall know its new Queen." 


Hey Boo. Thanks for reading. Guys...

WE ARE ALMOST AT 100K!!!!!!!

This is so crazy. Thank you all so so so much! I wish I could thank you all personally and literally just hug you. I love you all. You guys are incredible.

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And please check out my new book "Everlasting." 

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