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Third Person POV.

Pan walked over to the caged girl, smirking as she struggled to get past the bars. He had grown tired of the little game he used to play with her. In that moment, it was more fun to him to catch her, locking her away with no hope of an escape. 

"Let me out of here, Pan." The girl demanded, but Pan only chuckled, shaking his head no. He tauntingly twirled the key in between his fingers, squatting down to her level. 

"Now now, Y/N. Let's not be so stubborn and demanding, shall we?" He said, his voice as smooth as can be. It was one of the thing Y/N hated about him the most. No matter what he said, no matter how cruel or how lethal, his smooth tone and thick accent always gave it a calm touch. He could be screaming bloody murder at you with a smirk, but still, his voice was to intoxicating to listen to for you to care. 

"You know what, Y/N. I like your fire. And that fire, my dear, has just saved your life." Pan said, his iconic smirk still plastered on his lips. The green eyed boy was known for coming up with elaborate schemes or making deals only a fool would agree to. The way he struck deals made it seem like you would gain from it, but the only one who gains anything is him. It always would be that way. 

"I'm going to offer you a deal." Pan said, a quick eye roll coming from Y/N. 

"I'm not interested." She interjected quickly, causing Pan to growl. His forest green eyes darkened, his eyebrows furrowing in anger. Y/N saw that she had made him angry, but of course, the girl pretended to be fearless, not allowing her stern look to falter. 

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..." Pan started, emphasizing the word 'rudely.' Y/N only rolled her eyes, keeping silent as her hands gripped the bars. 

"You have two options. You can stay in this cage and rot for the rest of forever, constantly having to worry about when you next meal will be or will you be safe at night from the wild beasts that lurk these woods. Or..." Pan said, taking a pause for dramatic effect. It was clear, Pan's words frightened Y/N, but who wouldn't be frightened after such a threat. 

"You can come with me and be my first ever lost girl. The choice is yours." Pan offered. What Y/N wanted to say was how the choice was most definitely not hers. If it were up to her, she would have already killed Pan and escaped this godforsaken island. 

"But do choose carefully. I've have never offered this to anyone and I will never offer it again." Y/N looked down, pondering over the words he had said. She didn't want to be a part of his lost ones, though that option seemed better than living in a cage forever. A small sigh left her lips, her eyes slowly trailing back up to meet Pan's sinister ones. 

"I..." She started, fiddling with her fingers. Y/N didn't remove her gaze from Pan's. It almost felt like she couldn't, as if his gaze were so hypnotic, it were magic. 

"You what, love?" He questioned, keeping his voice in a low hiss, his tone and movements resembling a snake. Ready to strike. Ready to attack its enemy. 

"I...I'll become a lost girl..." Y/N said, lowering her head, almost shamefully. It had never been within her plans to strike a deal with Pan. Only fools did after all. But maybe she did get something out of it... Survival. Though she knew with a wave of Pan's hand, he could take that from her too. 

"Excellent choice." Pan said, his smirk growing more and more by the second until an unnaturally large, demented smile was on his lips. Y/N shivered just at the sight of it, sighing in relief as Pan started to unlock the cage. 

"Well. While you're in there, you may as well learn. This is what happens when you break my rules..." Pan said, chuckling under his breath. He stopped unlocking the cage, slipping the key under his belt. He stood up, looking down at Y/N's confused face. 

"Pan! We had a deal!" Y/N yelled, scooting closer to the cage door. She gripped the bars tightly, watching as Pan started to walk away from her. 

"I agreed! You said I'd be a lost girl!" She cried, her face red from anger. Pan quickly turned around, another crazed laugh leaving his mouth. 

"Oh, but there is where you're wrong, dear!" He yelled back to her, looking her straight in the eyes. "I didn't say you would be a lost girl... I said you would be my lost girl." Pan yelled to her, smirking at her tear filled eyes. 

"That means you follow my rules. Think of this as punishment for sneaking onto my island." Another chuckle came from the teenage king's lips. 

"Ah, my dear, you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into." Pan said, turning his back on her once more, waving at her tauntingly. Just as Y/N opened her mouth to yell at him, but he yelled instead. 

"Don't worry. I'll be back for you... Lost girl." And with that, he disappeared from sight, leaving Y/N alone in the cold, dark forest. The girl sunk down, pulling her knees up to her chest. She knew she was foolish to agree to his deal. Only an idiot would have. She should have seen the strings attached. There was always something with him. He was never honest. He pretended to be caring, to at least show mercy, but then he would rip off his mask and expose his true colors. He would show you the darkness he really is, the lies he really utters. 

After all, only a fool trusts Peter Pan...


Hey guys! So I just randomly got the idea to do this so I hope you like it! Chances are, I WILL NOT BE DOING A PART 2. I honestly don't have any ideas for a part 2. So I will just let you all guess what Pan does next. I am however working on a part 3 for Mother. So that should be out soon! My life is very very busy and crazy hectic rn. Sorry for the slow updates. Thank you for understanding! 


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